Search found 9 matches

by chus
Mon, 2007-03-19, 14:25
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: Referenced images by graphic annotations(Presentation State)
Replies: 0
Views: 16676

Referenced images by graphic annotations(Presentation State)

Hello, I'm dealing with presentation states with DVPresentationState class. I want to know how to get the refereced image by the graphic annotations. For example, if I have a serie with several images, some of the graphic annotations contained by the attached presentation state file have to be rende...
by chus
Tue, 2007-03-13, 15:07
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: Getting the overlay bitmap of a presentation state
Replies: 1
Views: 3243

Getting the overlay bitmap of a presentation state

Hello, I'm using the class DVPresentationState and I want to get the data of a bitmap shutter stored in the presentation state file. It seems getOverlayData doesn't work because it tries to get the data from the overlays on the attached image not the overlays of the presentation state file. How can ...
by chus
Mon, 2007-02-05, 12:02
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: Pixel , tags, meta info data loading on memory?
Replies: 2
Views: 4188

Ok! Thank you a lot!
by chus
Thu, 2007-02-01, 21:00
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: Pixel , tags, meta info data loading on memory?
Replies: 2
Views: 4188

Pixel , tags, meta info data loading on memory?

When you call the method DcmFileFormat::loadFile() which data is loaded? The pixel data, the tags, both or none of them? Another question regarding DcmItem derived classes is when you call a findAndGet*() method, the data is loaded on memory or it goes to the file to get it? My purpose is to obtain ...
by chus
Mon, 2007-01-29, 15:37
Forum: DICOMscope - Installation
Topic: Installation under linux with dcmtk 3.5.4
Replies: 3
Views: 29695

DICOMscope is known to compile with JDK 1.3. Newer versions of the JRE (runtime) also work without problems, but I have never tried to compile the Java code with newer Java compilers. This might just work or the compiler might complain about the use of deprecated constructs - just give it a try. (F...
by chus
Fri, 2007-01-26, 13:20
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: dcmpstat - Obtaining modality lut, DVPresentationState class
Replies: 5
Views: 7797

It applies the grayscale pipeline and the spatial transformations (zooming, rotating, flipping). Then, if it applies spatial transformations such as zooming to the resulting image, if I want to zoom out the image it would appear like it was cropped? I understand the image will mantain its dimension...
by chus
Fri, 2007-01-26, 12:46
Forum: DICOMscope - Installation
Topic: Installation under linux with dcmtk 3.5.4
Replies: 3
Views: 29695

Installation under linux with dcmtk 3.5.4

Hello, I'm running a linux mandriva 2007 distro and I would like to install DICOMScope 3.5.1 on it. I have installed dcmtk 3.5.4 libraries and I have a few questions. I also installed jdk 1.6.0 -Does DICOMScope only run with dcmtk 3.5.0 or I can use my installed dcmtk3.5.4 libraries? -What's the pro...
by chus
Thu, 2007-01-25, 13:36
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: dcmpstat - Obtaining modality lut, DVPresentationState class
Replies: 5
Views: 7797

class DVPresentationState always handles most of the grayscale transformation pipeline in the background. If there is a modality LUT encoded in the presentation state (or the image out of which a new presentation state is generated), then this LUT is automatically applied. But this happens when you...
by chus
Tue, 2007-01-23, 14:48
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: dcmpstat - Obtaining modality lut, DVPresentationState class
Replies: 5
Views: 7797

dcmpstat - Obtaining modality lut, DVPresentationState class

Hello, I'm working with presentation states. As stands in the DICOM standard, the first step in the grayscale pipeline tranformation is to apply the modality LUT. I thought i could access to it with the DVPresentationState class, that is meant to deal with the presentation state files, but I don't f...