Search found 4 matches

by wavetable
Mon, 2008-06-30, 16:02
Forum: DICOMscope - Installation
Topic: Setup hangs
Replies: 6
Views: 33375

ok, thanks for your quick help!
by wavetable
Mon, 2008-06-30, 11:42
Forum: DICOMscope - Installation
Topic: Setup hangs
Replies: 6
Views: 33375

is there a binary distribution (without the installer) somewhere to download?
by wavetable
Mon, 2008-06-30, 11:21
Forum: DICOMscope - Installation
Topic: Setup hangs
Replies: 6
Views: 33375

yes, same effect.
by wavetable
Mon, 2008-06-30, 11:01
Forum: DICOMscope - Installation
Topic: Setup hangs
Replies: 6
Views: 33375

Setup hangs

i am trying to install DicomScope 3.5.1 under win2k. when running setup.exe it starts a ntvdm.exe which runs endless (with heavy cpu usage and disc-IO).
nothing else happens.
i am using java 1.6.0 is this the problem? java 1.3 is no longer available.
which jre(s) can be used?