Search found 5 matches

by tiagostein
Wed, 2020-10-21, 17:19
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: Fail to receive store If I use DCMTK that I compile myself
Replies: 0
Views: 97018

Fail to receive store If I use DCMTK that I compile myself

Hello, I am struggling with an issue and I would like to know if anyone have some pointers to help me discover what is happening. I have a dicom server that uses DcmThreadSCP and DtSCPPool<>. If I compile it using the dcmtk libraries that are installed in my linux distro (ubuntu 20.04) it works wond...
by tiagostein
Mon, 2020-08-10, 20:03
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: Making an SCPPool for worklist threads
Replies: 1
Views: 1864

Making an SCPPool for worklist threads

Hello. I have successfully implemented a server with StoreSCP capability in a SCPPool and implementing the store behavior in the worker threads. Now I have to impolement worklist SCP support and I am wondering... can I do the same for worklist or are these pools restricted on what SCP I can provide ...
by tiagostein
Mon, 2015-01-19, 18:09
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: DCMTK accusing missing tag that is NOT missing.
Replies: 1
Views: 4839

Re: DCMTK accusing missing tag that is NOT missing.

After a few more hours, and reading DCMTK internals I got the problem. I was asking to the dataset inside the file format to read the stream, not the file format directly.

NOW is working.
by tiagostein
Mon, 2015-01-19, 13:20
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: DCMTK accusing missing tag that is NOT missing.
Replies: 1
Views: 4839

DCMTK accusing missing tag that is NOT missing.

Hello. I am still learning how to use DCMTK and was trying to learn how to change my prototypes to read data from memory and not from file. In order to do so I made minimal program to try it. Issue is, it accuses an error of "E: can't determine 'PhotometricInterpretation' of decompressed image ...
by tiagostein
Thu, 2015-01-15, 15:49
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: Developing compression for multiframes.
Replies: 0
Views: 18486

Developing compression for multiframes.

Hello. I am working on a system that makes compression and decompression of DICOM files on the fly. It needs to receive the data from memory (i.e not read from the disk) and output it to memory (again.. not write to disc) because the system where it is used is deeply disk I/O bound. It works fine.. ...