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by himanshu.mistri
Sat, 2021-03-27, 19:00
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: DICOMDIR updating directory does not update extsing record
Replies: 3
Views: 3064

Re: DICOMDIR updating directory does not update extsing record

Hi @ J. Riesmeier, Yes, Unfortunately in the current system design, It will have a different DCM_SOPInstanceUID generated every time when the system generates the Dicom file. Only following UID will remain same.. DCM_StudyInstanceUID and DCM_SeriesInstanceUID. Now it looks like you are suggesting th...
by himanshu.mistri
Fri, 2021-03-26, 14:19
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: DICOMDIR updating directory does not update extsing record
Replies: 3
Views: 3064

DICOMDIR updating directory does not update extsing record

Hello Forum, Please help me to understand the following behavior. Let's say I am created DICOMDIR, During that, i have added PATIENT1 STUDY. Now I am again using the same DICOMDIR to adding PATIENT2 Study and same time I have added PATIENT1 STUDY again. During my above steps, output DICOMDIR has a d...
by himanshu.mistri
Fri, 2021-02-05, 10:15
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: DICOMDIR created using dcmmkdir not working to open with EchoPAC
Replies: 1
Views: 16713

DICOMDIR created using dcmmkdir not working to open with EchoPAC

Hello Forum, I have created DICOMDIR using below command. dcmmkdir -v -d +id EFSCAN/ +r -I -Pus -Pum +D TESTDIR My EFSCAN Directory contains two Dicom files 0001 and 0002. With the above command, I generated a DICOMDIR file. Below is my dump of the DICOMDIR file. # Dicom-File-Format # Dicom-Meta-Inf...
by himanshu.mistri
Thu, 2020-10-22, 19:08
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: Generate MJPEG UltrasoundMultiframeImageStorag does not work with synapse dicom viewer
Replies: 2
Views: 2576

Generate MJPEG UltrasoundMultiframeImageStorag does not work with synapse dicom viewer

Hello DCMTK, I am facing one strange issue where my generated MJPEG (UltrasoundMultiframeImageStorag) Dicom file is not able to play by the synapse dicom PACS While same Dicom file is working fine for the Horos and MIcroDIcom and Sonic Dicom. My Di...
by himanshu.mistri
Tue, 2020-08-11, 18:03
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: In Android getting crash when calling sendFINDRequest
Replies: 4
Views: 3482

Re: In Android getting crash when calling sendFINDRequest

Thank you all for the response.

After rebuilding the again on the linux machine. This time for the build type I have selected RelWithDebInfo on the CMake.
Now I am not getting the crash on android.
by himanshu.mistri
Thu, 2020-07-23, 17:33
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: In Android getting crash when calling sendFINDRequest
Replies: 4
Views: 3482

In Android getting crash when calling sendFINDRequest

Hi OFFIS, I am using dcmtk on android, So far C-ECHO, C-STORE works fine with the use of the DcmSCU from the Lib version 3.6.5. Since i have included all module of dcmtk, This class will be also part going to be part of my single so file.
by himanshu.mistri
Mon, 2019-08-19, 15:52
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: Dicom image archive node stop working with error BadAppContext
Replies: 6
Views: 6027

Re: Dicom image archive node stop working with error BadAppContext

Just for your information @J. Riesmeier

My server-side code is same as dcmtk V3.6.4+ Dev ...

and my client-side code is running on android so I will add more logs, will share an update here.
by himanshu.mistri
Wed, 2019-07-03, 07:57
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: Dicom image archive node stop working with error BadAppContext
Replies: 6
Views: 6027

Re: Dicom image archive node stop working with error BadAppContext

Hi @J. Riesmeier

I am passing the following value:-

Code: Select all

const Sint32 connectionTimeOut=60;
by himanshu.mistri
Mon, 2019-07-01, 14:42
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: Dicom image archive node stop working with error BadAppContext
Replies: 6
Views: 6027

Re: Dicom image archive node stop working with error BadAppContext

Hi @J. Riesmeier I have observed that when I set setConnectionTimeout than I am facing error which I mention in this post. mDcmScu.setConnectionTimeout(connectionTimeOut); Below is my DcmSCU. For Setup my DcmSCu i have used this sample
by himanshu.mistri
Wed, 2019-06-26, 14:36
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: Dicom image archive node stop working with error BadAppContext
Replies: 6
Views: 6027

Dicom image archive node stop working with error BadAppContext

Below is my PACS Node running. It version is below:- $dcmtk: dcmqrscp v3.6.4+ DEV $ dcmqrscp: DICOM image archive (central test node) Host type: x86_64-Linux Character encoding: system default (unknown) External libraries used: - ZLIB, Version 1.2.8 - LIBWRAP - GNU C library (iconv), version 2.23 dc...
by himanshu.mistri
Fri, 2019-03-29, 15:23
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: How to enable DICOM Storage Commitment service in PACS using dcmqrscp
Replies: 8
Views: 6358

Re: How to enable DICOM Storage Commitment service in PACS using dcmqrscp

Hello, Quick question for Jan Schlamelcher, In the evaluation contract which is a PDF, where I can mention that we required binary for android and Linux both? , Since in contract, there is no such box where we can mention. Because before implementing it on android we used to test it using command li...
by himanshu.mistri
Wed, 2019-03-06, 08:10
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: How to enable DICOM Storage Commitment service in PACS using dcmqrscp
Replies: 8
Views: 6358

Re: How to enable DICOM Storage Commitment service in PACS using dcmqrscp

Hello @J. Riesmeier,

Thanks for sharing the link for trial version,

I believe that in the trial version we will get only binary that can run on either Linux or mac os only but in our case, we need it for android so what can be the step for cross compile DCMSTCOM this module.

by himanshu.mistri
Tue, 2019-03-05, 10:07
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: How to enable DICOM Storage Commitment service in PACS using dcmqrscp
Replies: 8
Views: 6358

Re: How to enable DICOM Storage Commitment service in PACS using dcmqrscp

This tool, which is not available free of charge, implements a Storage Commitment SCU. How it can be used is explained in the documentation that you've referenced. Thanks for the clarification @J. Riesmeier. Here is my few more question after your clarification. As you said that DICOM Storage commi...
by himanshu.mistri
Fri, 2019-03-01, 09:40
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: How to enable DICOM Storage Commitment service in PACS using dcmqrscp
Replies: 8
Views: 6358

How to enable DICOM Storage Commitment service in PACS using dcmqrscp

Hello, Currently, I am running my PACS using the following configuration:- [b]dcmqrscp -v -d -c dcmqrscp.cfg -xf storescp.cfg Default Default[/b] So my question is do I required anything special configuration for supporting DICOM Storage Commitment service