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by jberrebi
Wed, 2022-12-07, 17:52
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: modifying storescp for research use
Replies: 0
Views: 92287

modifying storescp for research use

Hi, I need to modify storescp for the needs of research teams. We are a brain imaging center having research teams as customers for our MR-scanner from Siemens. In a clinical site, operators belong to the clinics and the images are transferred to PACS. In our case, the operator belong to the researc...
by jberrebi
Tue, 2019-03-19, 22:04
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: modify or exec on reception ?
Replies: 2
Views: 3067

Re: modify or exec on reception ?

Thank you very much,
I already tried the -M and +P flags of dcmdump which makes the script a little shorter shorter and more efficient.
Also I had the time to have a look at the dcmrecv script which seems lighter than storescp for directory creation.
by jberrebi
Tue, 2019-03-19, 09:39
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: modify or exec on reception ?
Replies: 2
Views: 3067

modify or exec on reception ?

Hi, We are used to store dicoms in a certain way with a modified version of . When the operator is done with the scanning, the dicoms are sent to our server and the first thing that is done is the creation of a directory whose name follows the pattern: StudyID_SudyDate_StudyTime , Let's ...