Search found 3 matches
- Mon, 2021-01-18, 16:53
- Forum: DCMTK - General
- Topic: reading pixel data from a file without loading it into memory
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2501
Re: reading pixel data from a file without loading it into memory
I found what was the problem. The code should be as follow DcmInputFileStream fileStream(fileName, offset); DcmElement *elem = NULL; elem = new DcmPixelData(DcmTag(TAG_PixelData.GetGroup(), TAG_PixelData.GetElement())); elem.createValueFromTempFile(fileStream.newFactory(), length, byteOrder); m_DcmD...
- Mon, 2021-01-18, 09:39
- Forum: DCMTK - General
- Topic: reading pixel data from a file without loading it into memory
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2501
reading pixel data from a file without loading it into memory
I heard that there is a method to set pixel data from a file without loading it into memory. I also found "createValueFromTempFile" method which seems to serve this purpose. It seems to me that with this method we set the "fileName" and later when we want to save it to a Dicom fi...
- Tue, 2020-12-15, 15:38
- Forum: DCMTK - General
- Topic: Adding a single frame to multi-frame pixel data
- Replies: 0
- Views: 97847
Adding a single frame to multi-frame pixel data
Hello DCMTK, I am quite new to DICOM. I am trying to handle multi-frame images . I know that in the class " DcmItem " there are methods to create a new element, put a specified value to it, and insert the element into the dataset/item like " putAndInsertUint8Array ". Therefore us...