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by renu.khorwal
Thu, 2021-02-18, 17:41
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: DcmSCPPool, stopAfterCurrentAssociations not working
Replies: 3
Views: 3026

Re: DcmSCPPool, stopAfterCurrentAssociations and setOutputDirectory

Hi Michael, Thanks for the reply. I am configuring it before starting ScpPool. DicomScpThreadPool_C dcm_pool = new DicomScpThreadPool_C DcmSCPConfig& config = dcm_pool->getConfig(); config.setAETitle(ae_title.toStdString()); config.setPort(static_cast<unsigned short>(port)); config.setConnection...
by renu.khorwal
Thu, 2021-02-18, 16:33
Forum: DCMTK - General
Topic: DcmSCPPool, stopAfterCurrentAssociations not working
Replies: 0
Views: 97549

DcmSCPPool, stopAfterCurrentAssociations not working

I did not find an option to create a new post so asking my query in response to this post as my query is related to it. I have created a dicom server that handles Normalised DIMSE requests and C-store request from a client struct DicomScpThreadPool_C : public DcmSCPPool<DicomServer_C> , public OFThr...