Search found 12 matches
- Fri, 2021-05-07, 18:54
- Forum: DCMRT
- Topic: Second generation Dicom RT
- Replies: 2
- Views: 18166
Re: Second generation Dicom RT
Thank you!
- Thu, 2021-05-06, 22:34
- Forum: DCMRT
- Topic: Second generation Dicom RT
- Replies: 2
- Views: 18166
Second generation Dicom RT
Hello dcmtk team, Are second generation dicom rt objects supported by dcmrt? e.g. RTPhysicianIntent, RTSegmentAnnotation etc.? I saw that they were in the release information with the following line "Added support for the new 2nd generation RT Storage SOP Classes that have been introduced with ...
- Thu, 2021-04-29, 17:07
- Forum: DCMTK - General
- Topic: Anonymize Dicom data from code
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2822
Re: Anonymize Dicom data from code
Thank you!
- Wed, 2021-04-28, 17:34
- Forum: DCMTK - General
- Topic: Anonymize Dicom data from code
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2822
Anonymize Dicom data from code
Hello dcmtk team,
Is there a way to anonymize Dicom data using dcmtk from code rather than with the dcmodify app?
Is there a way to anonymize Dicom data using dcmtk from code rather than with the dcmodify app?
- Tue, 2021-04-27, 17:01
- Forum: DCMRT
- Topic: How to write Dcm file for RT Structure Set
- Replies: 7
- Views: 21176
Re: How to write Dcm file for RT Structure Set
Seems like I needed to set the Transfer Syntax. I am able to now write the file. I am yet to verify the contents. Thank you!
- Tue, 2021-04-27, 00:25
- Forum: DCMRT
- Topic: How to write Dcm file for RT Structure Set
- Replies: 7
- Views: 21176
Re: How to write Dcm file for RT Structure Set
The following line of code returns OF_ok auto status = rtStruct.write(*fileformat.getDataset()); but the saveFile returns a status of OF_error with code 7 and text "Illegal call, perhaps wrong parameters". rtStruct is of type DRTStructureSetIOD and rtStruct.isValid() is true. OFFilename dc...
- Mon, 2021-04-26, 18:38
- Forum: DCMRT
- Topic: How to add DRTContourSequence::Item to an DRTROIContourSequence::Item
- Replies: 4
- Views: 17606
- Mon, 2021-04-26, 16:59
- Forum: DCMRT
- Topic: How to add DRTContourSequence::Item to an DRTROIContourSequence::Item
- Replies: 4
- Views: 17606
Re: How to add DRTContourSequence::Item to an DRTROIContourSequence::Item
Thank you. I didn't realize that the pointer to addItem was a return parameter.
- Wed, 2021-04-21, 00:46
- Forum: DCMRT
- Topic: How to add DRTContourSequence::Item to an DRTROIContourSequence::Item
- Replies: 4
- Views: 17606
How to add DRTContourSequence::Item to an DRTROIContourSequence::Item
Hello dcmtk team, Can you please provide an example to set the contour sequences in the DRTROIContourSequence::Item of DRTStructureSetIOD? With the below strategy, when I return to main(), rtStruct.getROIContourSequence().getItem(0) results in default empty DRTContourSequence::Item and the value set...
- Wed, 2021-04-21, 00:21
- Forum: DCMRT
- Topic: How to write Dcm file for RT Structure Set
- Replies: 7
- Views: 21176
- Tue, 2021-04-20, 17:25
- Forum: DCMRT
- Topic: How to write Dcm file for RT Structure Set
- Replies: 7
- Views: 21176
Re: How to write Dcm file for RT Structure Set
Thank you. How about tags like ImplementationVersionName or ImplementationClassUID or MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID that are specific to the manufacturer? Do we not set these tags in the file meta data?
- Tue, 2021-04-20, 06:07
- Forum: DCMRT
- Topic: How to write Dcm file for RT Structure Set
- Replies: 7
- Views: 21176
How to write Dcm file for RT Structure Set
Hello dcmtk team, I am new to dcmtk and Dicom. I populated all the tags of an DRTStructureSetIOD object. Now I want to write this object to a dcm file. Assuming rtStruct is my fully populated DRTStructureSetIOD object, is the following the correct way to do it? DcmFileFormat fileformat; auto status ...