Search found 17 matches
- Wed, 2024-01-31, 14:35
- Forum: DCMTK - Installation
- Topic: Error building DCMTK with Apple M1 chip
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4662
Re: Error building DCMTK with Apple M1 chip
Hi Marco, I think the issue is coming from `CMake/3rdparty.cmake` file where we use `TIFF_LIBRARY` and `JPEG_LIBRARY` values. On the CMake side, these are actually `TIFF_LIBRARIES` and `JPEG_LIBRARIES`. After that modification, I was able to resolve the linking issue. I opened a PR in the GitHub rep...
- Mon, 2024-01-29, 22:41
- Forum: DCMTK - Installation
- Topic: Error building DCMTK with Apple M1 chip
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4662
Error building DCMTK with Apple M1 chip
Hi there, I am a maintainer of an open-source feature extraction library for biomedical images that uses dcmtk to read dicom images. Till now, we have been using version 3.6.7 and were successfully able to integrate it to Windows, Linux and Apple Amd64 Python wheels. Now we are looking into creating...
- Thu, 2023-05-04, 03:16
- Forum: Third-Party DCMTK Applications
- Topic: DICOM support for Nyxus - a feature extraction library
- Replies: 0
- Views: 105558
DICOM support for Nyxus - a feature extraction library
Hi everyone, Just wanted to share that we have added Dicom image processing support in our highly scalable library for calculating features from intensity-label image data ( ). I want to thank the volunteers for helping me out with question regarding using DCMTK API....
- Wed, 2023-04-19, 18:54
- Forum: DCMTK - Installation
- Topic: CMAKE Options for Building Select Set of Modules
- Replies: 2
- Views: 14482
- Wed, 2023-04-12, 19:35
- Forum: DCMTK - Installation
- Topic: CMAKE Options for Building Select Set of Modules
- Replies: 2
- Views: 14482
CMAKE Options for Building Select Set of Modules
Hi there,
My application only uses a select set of DCMTK modules: ofstd, oflog, dcmdata, dcmimgle, dcmimage, dcmjpeg, dcmjpls.
Is there a way to just build those (and preferably without the tests) using CMake?
My application only uses a select set of DCMTK modules: ofstd, oflog, dcmdata, dcmimgle, dcmimage, dcmjpeg, dcmjpls.
Is there a way to just build those (and preferably without the tests) using CMake?
- Wed, 2023-04-12, 00:15
- Forum: DCMTK - Installation
- Topic: Correct Way to Include DCMTK in CMakeLists.txt
- Replies: 3
- Views: 15261
Re: Correct Way to Include DCMTK in CMakeLists.txt
Thanks for the reply. I did few more google search and what I understand is this behavior is due to the difference between how direct and indirect dependencies are resolved (at least in Linux). Here is a link that discusses this:
- Tue, 2023-04-11, 21:53
- Forum: DCMTK - Installation
- Topic: Correct Way to Include DCMTK in CMakeLists.txt
- Replies: 3
- Views: 15261
Re: Correct Way to Include DCMTK in CMakeLists.txt
Few updates. I reordered the link_directories() and add_executable() calls and the linking error is gone. However, now I get the following error: ./dicom_reader: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory using ldd shows the the fo...
- Tue, 2023-04-11, 21:42
- Forum: DCMTK - Installation
- Topic: Correct Way to Include DCMTK in CMakeLists.txt
- Replies: 3
- Views: 15261
Correct Way to Include DCMTK in CMakeLists.txt
I am getting a linking error like the following while trying to add DCMTK to my project. [100%] Linking CXX executable dicom_reader /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lofstd /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -loflog /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldcmdata /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -li2d /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldcmimgle ...
- Tue, 2023-04-11, 19:44
- Forum: DCMTK - Installation
- Topic: dcmtk Conda package
- Replies: 2
- Views: 13760
Re: dcmtk Conda package
Thanks for the reply.
I finally found that the package has been moved from the bioconda channel to conda-forge channel
I finally found that the package has been moved from the bioconda channel to conda-forge channel
- Fri, 2023-04-07, 16:07
- Forum: DCMTK - Installation
- Topic: dcmtk Conda package
- Replies: 2
- Views: 13760
dcmtk Conda package
Hi, Do the dcmtk developers/maintainers officially produce a conda package? I see that the bioconda channel has a dcmtk package . But this is an old version (3.6.1), even though the tag says 3.6.7. Also, what is confusing is that the official bioconda page does n...
- Wed, 2023-04-05, 21:04
- Forum: DCMTK - General
- Topic: How to Read Pixel Data when Pixel Representation=1
- Replies: 6
- Views: 7180
Re: How to Read Pixel Data when Pixel Representation=1
I think I have figured out the issue. I needed to register the codecs to be able to read the compressed image. Adding the following lines before everything seems to work. DJDecoderRegistration::registerCodecs(); DJLSDecoderRegistration::registerCodecs(); DcmRLEDecoderRegistration::registerCodecs();
- Wed, 2023-04-05, 14:40
- Forum: DCMTK - General
- Topic: How to Read Pixel Data when Pixel Representation=1
- Replies: 6
- Views: 7180
Re: How to Read Pixel Data when Pixel Representation=1
Thanks for the reply. However, I still think something is wrong in my code. I picked another image from the pydicom-data repository (emri_small_jpeg_ls_lossless.dcm) which has the following properties. (0002, 0010) Transfer Syntax UID UI: JPEG-LS Lossless Image Compression (0002, 0012) Implementatio...
- Tue, 2023-04-04, 19:06
- Forum: DCMTK - General
- Topic: How to Read Pixel Data when Pixel Representation=1
- Replies: 6
- Views: 7180
Re: How to Read Pixel Data when Pixel Representation=1
Yes, the image is compressed with JPEG200. Here is the tag value.
Is there a way to find the list of the supported compressions for open source DCMTK?
Code: Select all
(0002, 0010) Transfer Syntax UID UI: JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only)
- Tue, 2023-04-04, 17:59
- Forum: DCMTK - General
- Topic: How to Read Pixel Data when Pixel Representation=1
- Replies: 6
- Views: 7180
How to Read Pixel Data when Pixel Representation=1
Hello there. I am trying to use the DCMTK API to read some dicom files. The following piece of code works when the Pixel Representation value is 0 (uncompressed image, as I understand). However, when I am trying to read an image with pixel representation value 1, I get an error: Pixel representation...
- Fri, 2023-03-31, 23:16
- Forum: DCMTK - General
- Topic: Issue with Reading Pixel Data using getUncompressedFrame
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3319
Issue with Reading Pixel Data using getUncompressedFrame
Hi there, I am trying to read pixel data of a frame directly to an array. I looked at some example code from diinpxt.h file but not sure where I am making the mistake. I have the following code: auto dcm_ff = DcmFileFormat(); auto dcm_tag_pixel_data = DcmTagKey(0x7fe0,0x0010) ; dcm_ff.loadFile("...