Search found 3 matches

by BudricB
Tue, 2017-10-10, 14:32
Forum: DCMTK - Installation
Topic: 3.6.2 CXX11 fails on Linux; patch suggestions included
Replies: 4
Views: 38542

Re: 3.6.2 CXX11 fails on Linux; patch suggestions included


Didn't know about commontk github repo. Is there a preferred place (github or otherwise) to submit tickets/patches or is this forum still the place?
by BudricB
Fri, 2017-10-06, 20:05
Forum: DCMTK - Installation
Topic: 3.6.2 CXX11 fails on Linux; patch suggestions included
Replies: 4
Views: 38542

3.6.2 CXX11 fails on Linux; patch suggestions included

Hi, I'm trying to compile 3.6.2 tag on Linux with the following cmake variables: -DDCMTK_ENABLE_CXX11=ON -DDCMTK_ENABLE_STL=ON. The error(s) I get when generating make are along the lines of: /tmp/dcmtk/config/tests/../ error: '::isinf' has not been declared return ::isinf( f ); The p...
by BudricB
Tue, 2009-11-03, 21:45
Forum: DCMTK - Installation
Topic: Static or dynamic linking to CRT
Replies: 1
Views: 5405

Static or dynamic linking to CRT

Hi, when using CMake in windows XP the MSVC solution is set to statically link to the CRT. My application is also set to /MT. I was wondering if there are any memory problems (or other problems) that could result in this. For example if you consider DcmItem::findAndGetElement (const DcmTagKey &t...