Trasport Layer security while using DcmScppool

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Soumya Basheer
Posts: 17
Joined: Wed, 2018-07-11, 13:21

Trasport Layer security while using DcmScppool

#1 Post by Soumya Basheer »

I am developing a server app using DcmScpPool. I need to give transport layer scecurity for every dicom communication. Upon checking the listen function inside scppool does not implented it after iitializing the network. I tried to ovverride the listen function but will not get some private variables that is needed.

Could you please help me to do this.

Michael Onken
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Re: Trasport Layer security while using DcmScppool

#2 Post by Michael Onken »


right now DcmSCP and thus DcmSCPPool does not support TLS. You probably have to derive your own version from DcmSCP (e.g. DcmSCPTLS) first, though I did not try this in connection with the pool class so far.


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