Open source jpeg2000 using reference codec (e.g. slow)

Third-party non-commercial applications based on the DCMTK

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Open source jpeg2000 using reference codec (e.g. slow)

#1 Post by DraconPern »

Just want to note that I have open sourced my jpeg2000 codec. I am releasing this mostly for the benefit of other open source software, not commercial.

Some gotcha's about this implementation (I recommend offis's implementation for production)
- Not well tested
- Uses OpenJPEG, which is a reference jpeg 2000 implementation. It is correct, but not very fast.
- I am licensing it under GPL. I want to see more open source stuff based on dcmtk. Undecided about commercial, please contact me, if you think it's a good idea.
- Not memory optimized. There are some code path that uses 3x the size of the uncompressed image.

If all that warning doesn't faze you, then give it a try. It's very easy to use, just add 4 lines of code to register/clean up like other codecs.

I am curious to see how it compares to other codecs based on kakadu, etc. Someone who has more time should do a study! Please submit issue on github.

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Joined: Thu, 2006-03-02, 08:46

Re: Open source jpeg2000 using reference codec (e.g. slow)

#2 Post by DraconPern »

Oh, I want to mention that I also have a decoder based on jaspers, but no encoder. I based it on the RLE codec, so it's a much simpler, but older code, and every that I did wrong with, I fixed in the openjpeg version. It's useful for learning how to write an codec.

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