DCMPSPRT : Doubts on the usage of command line options

Questions regarding the DCMPRINT library, a DCMTK add-on that implements a DICOM Print Management SCP and SCU

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Arunodaya S
Posts: 19
Joined: Mon, 2016-09-26, 14:08

DCMPSPRT : Doubts on the usage of command line options

#1 Post by Arunodaya S »


We are using DCMPSPRT for basic grayscale printing . We have doubts on the usage of the command line options. We are using this in MINGW environment.

1) layout option :
The usage tells the below mentioned details:
-l --layout olumns [r]ows: integer (default: 1 1)
use 'STANDARD\c,r' image display format

We tried using the below command and faced the below mentioned error :

D:\Vault\Scratch\DicomPrint>dcmpsprt -v -d -l STANDARD\1,1 -c DicomPrint.cfg --printer PRINTSCP -s 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.9.3558.1.4.2919377083.3864.1533107961.807.137.DCM
$dcmtk: dcmpsprt v3.6.1 2016-06-30 $

dcmpsprt: Read DICOM images and presentation states and render print job
[b]error: Invalid value for option --layout (STANDARD\1,1)[/b]


[b]What are the options for layout command then ?

And also how to print multiple DCM files in a single film, i.e may be in STANDARD 1,2 format. Can we give two different DCM files as input to this command, so it can be printed.[/b]

2) The command for logging the details states as :
" -lc --log-config [f]ilename: string
use config file f for the logger"

When i used the command we faced the below mentioned error

D:\Vault\Scratch\DicomPrint>dcmpsprt -c DicomPrint.cfg -lc --printer PRINTSCP -s 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.9.3558.1.4.2919377083.3864.1533107961.807.137.DCM
$dcmtk: dcmpsprt v3.6.1 2016-06-30 $

dcmpsprt: Read DICOM images and presentation states and render print job
[b]error: Specified --log-config file does not exist[/b]


The contents of the config file is as given below
# Copyright (C) 1998-2010, OFFIS e.V.
# All rights reserved. See COPYRIGHT file for details.
# This software and supporting documentation were developed by
# OFFIS e.V.
# R&D Division Health
# Escherweg 2
# D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany
# Module: dcmpstat
# Author: Marco Eichelberg et al.
# Purpose: Sample configuration file for DCMTK "dcmpstat" tools and the
# DICOMscope application

# ============================================================================
# General settings for the viewer applications
# ============================================================================

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General application settings in this section.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Directory in which log files are stored.
# Default: application root directory, for print: same as spool directory.
LogDirectory = D:\Vault\Scratch\DicomPrint\spool

# Name of the file where the general log messages are stored.
# Default: no log file, i.e. do not write any log messages.
LogFile = Dicom_Print.log

# Filter for the general log messages:
# ERROR = only error messages
# WARN = also warning messages (includes ERROR)
# INFO = also informational messages (includes WARN)
# DEBUG = also debug messages (includes INFO)
# Default: no general log messages at all.
LogLevel = DEBUG

# Port on which the GUI application accepts notification messages from
# the network processes. Default: 0 (no notifications sent)
MessagePort = 0

# Indicates whether client processes are allowed to keep their notification
# message port open during the lifetime of the process. Default: false
KeepMessagePortOpen = false

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Monitor calibration settings in this section.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Settings for Clinton Medical monitor with SXGA 1152x864

# monitor description file for software based correction (GSDF etc.)
#Characteristics = monitor.lut

# screen resolution in pixels, width\height
Resolution = 1152\864

# size of the visible screen area in mm, width\height
Screensize = 400\300

# preview size in pixels, width\height
PreviewSize = 256\256

# Settings for Siemens Monitor with Dome Board
# screen resolution in pixels, width\height
#Resolution = 2048\2560
# size of the visible screen area in mm, width\height
#ScreenSize = 280\367
# preview size in pixels, width\height
#PreviewSize = 512\512

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General print settings in this section.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Path to the DICOM print spooler (Print Management SCU) application to be used
Spooler = dcmprscu

# Path to the DICOM print server (Print Management SCP) application to be used
Server = dcmprscp

# Directory in which spooled print jobs reside
Directory = D:\Vault\Scratch\DicomPrint\spool

# Log complete DICOM protocol (--dump --verbose) in print spooler/server.
# Default: false
DetailedLog = true

# Log complete ACSE and DIMSE protocol in binary form (as DICOM file).
# This setting is independent from the DetailedLog setting and currently
# only implemented by the print server. Default: false
BinaryLog = false

# Time (in seconds) the print spooler should wait before polling (again)
# the spool directory. Default: use spooler default.
Sleep = 5

# Minimum resolution for a print bitmap (width\height in pixel). If a
# bitmap to be printed is smaller than this, it is scaled up by an
# appropriate integer factor before burning in graphical annotations. This
# allows to have acceptable annotation visibility on low resolution
# bitmaps.
# Default: No lower limit for the print bitmap resolution.
MinPrintResolution = 1024\1024

# Maximum resolution for a print bitmap (width\height in pixel). If a
# bitmap to be printed is larger than this, it is scaled down by an
# appropriate integer factor before sent to the printer. This allows to
# reduce the amount of pixel data to be transfered.
# Default: No upper limit for the print bitmap resolution.
MaxPrintResolution = 8192\8192

# Specifies the default value for the Illumination to be transmitted to the
# printer when using the Presentation LUT SOP Class. Default: 2000
DefaultIllumination = 2000

# Specifies the default value for the Reflected Ambient Light to be transmitted
# to the printer when using the Presentation LUT SOP Class. Default: 10
DefaultReflection = 10

# Delete print job files from spool directory after processing.
# If false, spool jobs are renamed instead. Default is false.
DeletePrintJobs = true

# Always delete terminate job files from spool directory (these special print job files
# are created to inform the spool processes that the application has been terminated).
# If false, terminate jobs are handled like normal print jobs (see DeletePrintJobs).
# Default is false.
AlwaysDeleteTerminateJobs = true

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Database settings in this section.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# directory in which DICOM images and index.dat reside
Directory = D:\Vault\Scratch\DicomPrint\database

# Path to the dump tool used to display the contents of DICOM files located
# in the database
Dump = c:\program files\tcl\bin\wish83 dcmpsdmp.tcl

# Path to the check tool used to evaluate the contents of DICOM files located
# in the database
Check = c:\program files\tcl\bin\wish83 dcmpschk.tcl

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General Presentation LUT settings in this section.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# directory in which LUT files reside
Directory = lut

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General Structured Reporting (SR) settings in this section.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# directory in which SR "template" files reside
Directory = reports

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This section contains the settings for network communication.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Path to the DICOM sender (Store SCU) application to be used
Sender = dcmpssnd

# Path to the DICOM receiver (Store SCP) application to be used
Receiver = dcmpsrcv

# Application entity title sender processes use to identify themselves.
# Also used as default application entity title for the [[communication]]
# section.
aetitle = DCMPSTATE

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This section contains the settings for secure TLS (Transport Layer
# Security) communication.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# directory in which TLS related files (certificates, keys, random data,
# Diffie-Hellman parameters etc.) are located. The content of this directory
# should be kept confidential because it may help an attacker to break
# the security of the TLS transmission.
TLSDirectory = tls

# directory in which certificates of the trusted Certification Authorities
# are located. During negotiation of a secure TLS connection, the remote
# site's certificate may be verified, depending on the settings for the
# sender or receiver process in [[communication]]. Verification checks
# if the certificate has been issued by one of the CAs located in this
# directory. This means that the content of this directory defines a simple
# means of access control for TLS communication.
# File names of certificates in this directory must have
# names derived from a hash key of the certificate DN, see -hash
# option of openssl x509 command.
CACertificateDirectory = cacerts

# directory in which certificates and encrypted private keys of the known
# users are located. User certificates and keys are used for the
# verification of DICOM Structured Reports and for the creation of digital
# signatures.
UserKeyDirectory = usrcerts

# DICOMscope allows to have certificates, keys and Diffie-Hellman parameters
# either in PEM ("privacy enhanced mail") format or in DER ("distinguished
# encoding rules") format. However, all files within one DICOMscope
# installation must use the same format, which is defined by this setting.
# True => PEM format, false => DER format. Default is PEM.
UsePEMFormat = true

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This section contains the settings for the query/retrieve server.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Specifies whether the configuration file for the query/retrieve server is
# created automatically from the data contained in this file each time the
# server is started. Default is true.
AutoCreateConfigFile = true

# Path to the DICOM query/retrieve server (Q/R SCP) to be used.
# The configuration filename is created from this entry by adding the file
# extension ".cfg".
Server = dcmqrscp

# IP Port number on which the server listens for new connections.
# On Unix platforms, the receiver must be started with setuid root
# if port numbers < 1024 (i.e. the standard DICOM port number 104)
# should be used.
Port = 10003

# Maximum PDU (protocol data unit) size to use when negotiating
# incoming connections. Must be between 4096 and 131072.
# Default is 16384.
MaxPDU = 32768

# Application entity title dcmqrscp will use to identify itself.

# Maximum number of associations the server can handle at the same time.
# This is only applicable on Unix platforms, since Windows does not support
# the fork() command which is used for this purpose.
MaxAssociations = 16

# Timeout (in seconds) for outgoing connection requests, must be larger
# than zero. Optional setting, default is Unlimited (wait for TCP/IP timeout).
# Timeout = 5

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This section contains the settings for the graphical user interface (GUI).
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# If this setting is true, we assume a system with very high resolution
# (2 x 2.5K) and a graphics board that performs calibration according to the
# DICOM GSDF in hardware. Therefore, we display much larger icons and
# disable rendering of the GSDF in software. This setting requires that
# a static 256 grayscale color palette is used by the operating system
# to access the graphics board.
HighResolutionGraphics = false

#Starts the update thread for the study browser.
#Defaults is true
AutoUpdateStudyBrowser = true

#Sets the background color of the study manager as rgb color
#Default: If HighResolutionGraphics, the default is 0\0\0 otherwise 255\255\255
#BackgroundColor = 255\255\255

# Sets the size of the fonts used in all GUI components
# Default: If HighResolutionGraphics, the default is 30 otherwise 12
#FontSize = 30

# Sets the name of the fonts uesed in all GUI components
# Default value: SansSerif
#FontName = SansSerif

# Sets the size of the fonts used for textual annotations
# Default: If HighResolutionGraphics, the default is 48 otherwise 16
#FontSizeText = 16

# Sets the name of the fonts used for textual annotations
# Default value: SansSerif
#FontNameText = SansSerif

# Sets the size of the fonts used for the process log
# Default: If HighResolutionGraphics, the default is 30 otherwise 12
#FontSizeLog = 30

# Sets the name of the fonts uesed for the process log
# Default value: Monospaced
#FontNameLog = Monospaced

# Sets the placement of the main tab in the GUI.
# Valid values are: North, South, East, West. Default is North.
#TabPlacement = North

# Sets the placement of the image processing panel in the viewer.
# Valid values are: North, South, East, West, None.
# Default: If HighResolutionGraphics, the default is East otherwise South
#FunctionPanelPlacement = East

# Sets the placement of the paint functio panel in the viewer.
# Valid values are: North, South, East, West, None, Toolbar, Integrated
# Default value: Integrated
#PaintPanelPlacement = Integrated

# Checks if the presentation state information panel should be visible
# Valid values are: true, false. Default value: false
PSPanelOn = true

# Displays a warning message if an unsigned instance (report, presentation
# state, image) referenced from the current report is opened
# Valid values are: true, false. Default value: true
WarnUnsignedObjectsInSR = true

# ============================================================================
# Storage and Print applications are configured in the following section.
# ============================================================================

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following text documents all settings defined for a local or remote
# storage or print application. Each application or communication target
# requires one section with a unique section title.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following entry defines which DICOM services are offered by the
# application described in this section. Four types are supported:
# STORAGE - a remote DICOM Storage Service Class SCP. Entries of this type are
# shown as "send targets" in the DICOMscope browser GUI. An entry of this
# type is also required for each system that wants to download objects
# from the DICOMscope database using Query/Retrieve. The settings from
# this section are used to resolve an application entity title into the
# target hostname and IP port number.
# RECEIVER - a local DICOM Storage Service Class SCP which accepts incoming
# images and stores them in the local database.
# PRINTER - a remote DICOM Print Management Service Class SCP.
# For each entry of this type, a separate Print SCU ("spooler process")
# is started together with DICOMscope.
# Entries of this type are shown as printers in the DICOMscope
# print preview GUI.
# LOCALPRINTER - a DICOM Print Management SCP that is running as part of
# the DICOMscope software on the local system. For each entry of this
# type both a DICOM Print SCP and a Print SCU (spooler) are started
# together with DICOMscope. This allows DICOMscope to print "to itself".
# Default value for this setting is: STORAGE.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Hostname: The IP number or domain name of the communication partner in
# conventional TCP/IP notation. For entries of type LOCALPRINTER this setting
# must have the value "localhost". This setting is mandatory, no default.
# hostname = localhost
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# IP port number under which the application or remote peer receives DICOM
# associations.
# port = 104
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Human readable description of the communication partner. Used in the GUI to
# present the communication partner to the application user in selection boxes.
# description = Local DICOM Print SCP
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For outgoing connections (STORAGE, PRINTER) this setting contains the
# called application entity title of the communication partner.
# For incoming connections (RECEIVER, LOCALPRINTER) this setting contains
# the responding application entity used during association negotiation.
# aetitle = DICOM_PRINTER
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Only negotiate the default Implicit VR Little Endian transfer syntax for
# all abstract syntaxes. This setting is useful if we're communicating with
# very old DICOM software which claims to support Explicit VR communication
# but fails to do so... Optional setting, default is: false.
# ImplicitOnly = false
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not create data types (VRs) that were defined in post-1993 editions
# of the DICOM standard when converting implicit VR files to explicit VR
# network transmission. Maybe necessary for old DICOM Store SCPs.
# Optional setting, default is: false.
# DisableNewVRs = false
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Maximum PDU (protocol data unit) size to negotiate for incoming PDUs.
# Value must be between 4096 and 131072. Default is 16384.
# MaxPDU = 32768
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Timeout (in seconds) for outgoing connection requests, must be larger
# than zero. Optional setting, default is Unlimited (wait for TCP/IP timeout).
# Timeout = 5
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol for image transmission
# in accordance with the DICOM Security Enhancements One (Supplement 31).
# Optional setting, default is: false.
# UseTLS = false
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Filename of the X.509 certificate to be used for TLS authentication.
# The file should be located in the directory specified by
# SCP usage: The TLS protocol requires that a TLS server
# must have a certificate. Therefore, this parameter is mandatory.
# If absent, the certificate file is loaded from "sitecert.pem" in the
# TLS directory.
# SCU usage: For a TLS client the certificate is optional.
# Therefore, this setting is optional for Store SCUs. If absent, no
# TLS authentication is performed for the client. Warning: Anonymous TLS
# may be susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks.
# Certificate = cert.pem
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Filename of the private key "matching" the certificate,
# to be used for TLS authentication. The file should be located in the
# directory specified by GENERAL/TLS/TLSDIRECTORY.
# SCP usage: The TLS protocol requires that a TLS server
# must have a certificate. Therefore, this parameter is mandatory.
# If absent, the certificate file is loaded from "sitekey.pem" in the
# TLS directory.
# SCU usage: For a TLS client the certificate is optional.
# Therefore, this setting is optional for Store SCUs. If absent, no
# TLS authentication is performed for the client. Warning: Anonymous TLS
# may be susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks.
# PrivateKey = pkey.pem
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private keys may be stored in encrypted form (e.g. 3DES),
# protected with a password. Since the DICOMscope Store SCU/SCP processes
# do not have any interaction with the user, they cannot request a password
# from the command line. Two options are available to the user:
# - the private key can be unencrypted. In this case this setting should
# be absent from the config file. Users should carefully adjust file system
# access rights to the private key file to make sure that the private key
# is not compromised (e.g. copied by an unauthorized used).
# - the private key can be encrypted, with the password in clear text in this
# configuration file. In this case, the DICOMscope configuration file must
# be protected from read access by unauthorized users, otherwise the private
# key may be compromised as well.
# A real secure approach would be to keep the private key in a safe place,
# e.g. in a microprocessor card, but this is not yet supported.
# PrivateKeyPassword = Should_be_kept_secret
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Negotiate the following TLS ciphersuites when using TLS transmission.
# Ciphersuite names should have the format as defined in RFC 2246, e. g.:
# See the DCMTK documentation dcmtls/docs/ciphers.txt for a complete list of
# supported terms. Multiple terms should be separated by backslash characters.
# Optional setting, default is: TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This setting defines the policy for handling the remote peer's TLS
# certificate. Known terms are:
# REQUIRE: verify peer certificate, refuse transmission if absent
# VERIFY: verify peer certificate if present
# IGNORE: don't verify peer certificate
# Optional setting, default is: REQUIRE.
# PeerAuthentication = REQUIRE
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File containing a set of random-generated Diffie-Hellman parameters
# as required for DH/DSS ciphersuites (but not for RSA ciphersuites).
# File should be located in the directory specified by GENERAL/TLS/TLSDIRECTORY
# in the format specified by GENERAL/TLS/USEPEMFORMAT.
# Optional setting, default is: no Diffie-Hellman parameters (which will cause
# TLS connection setup for DH/DSS ciphersuites to fail).
# DiffieHellmanParameters = dhparams.pem
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File containing random data which is used to initialize the pseudo-random
# generator. After transmission, a modified file is written back.
# The random seed file should be different for each send/receive
# target - see DCMTK documentation on random data for details.
# The file should be located in the directory specified by
# Optional setting, default is: no random data (which may cause TLS connection
# setup to fail).
# RandomSeed = random.dat
# ============================================================================
# The next two settings described below are only used with entries of type
# STORAGE and RECEIVER and have no meaning for PRINTER or LOCALPRINTER.
# ============================================================================
# Receive data in "bit preserving mode". In this mode, data is stored
# to file directly as read from network. Transfer syntax in file is
# identical to transfer syntax used for network transmission.
# If this mode is switched off (default), images are converted to explicit VR
# Little Endian format before storing in file, which makes it easier
# to burn images on CD-R in "General Purpose Image Exchange Profile" format.
# Optional entry, default is: false
# BitPreservingMode = false
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Silently ignore space padded SOP Class and SOP Instance UIDs in incoming
# images. Optional setting, default is: false.
# CorrectUIDPadding = false
# ============================================================================
# The remaining settings described below are only used with entries of type
# PRINTER and LOCALPRINTER and have no meaning for STORAGE or RECEIVER.
# ============================================================================
# Print SCU usage: assume that the Print SCP supports transmission of image
# pixel data with 12 bits/pixel in the Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP Class.
# Print SCP usage: accept image pixel data with 12 bits/pixel.
# Optional setting, default is: true. Not used for Storage type entries.
# Supports12Bit = true
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Print SCU usage: assume that the Print SCP supports the Presentation LUT
# SOP Class (Supplement 22) and attempt to negotiate it during association
# negotiation.
# Print SCP usage: activate support for the Presentation LUT SOP Class.
# Optional setting, default is: false. Not used for Storage type entries.
# SupportsPresentationLUT = true
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The 1999 edition of the DICOM standard contains an inconsistency in the
# definition of the Presentation LUT SOP class. The attributes
# "Referenced Presentation LUT", "Illumination" and "Reflected Ambient Light"
# can either be part of the Basic Film Session or be part of the Basic Film
# Box. DICOM Correction Proposal CP 173 defines that these attributes
# have to be specified on Basic Film Box level. However, not all existing
# Print SCPs supporting the Presentation LUT SOP Class are implemented
# in accordance with CP 173. Both Print SCU and Print SCP can, therefore,
# be configured to use either Film Session or Film Box (but never both).
# Print SCU usage: If flag is true, transmit attributes in the Basic Film
# session instead of the Basic Film Box.
# Print SCP usage: If flag is true, attributes are accepted and returned
# in Basic Film Session instead of Basic Film Box.
# Optional setting, default is: false (which means that behaviour will be
# consistent with CP 173.) Not used for Storage type entries.
# PresentationLUTinFilmSession = false
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some Print SCPs which support Presentation LUTs require that the number
# of entries in a Presentation LUT matches the bit depth of the image pixel
# data (4096 entries for 12 bit pixel data, 256 entries for 8 bit pixel
# data).
# Print SCU usage: If flag is true, assume that Print SCP requires match
# between Presentation LUT and image data. If for a given print job this
# match cannot be guaranteed, perform rendering of the Presentation LUT in
# the Print SCU and use an IDENTITY Presentation LUT shape in the Print SCP.
# Print SCP usage: If flag is true, enforce a matching rule as described
# above. All Presentation LUT N-CREATE or Basic Grayscale Image Box N-SET
# operations that would violate the rule will be refused.
# Optional setting, default is: true. Not used for Storage type entries.
# PresentationLUTMatchRequired = true
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Print SCU usage: if the printer supports 12-bit image transmission and the
# film is to be printed with a Presentation LUT that could be rendered either
# in the print client or in the printer without loss of precision,
# prefer rendering in the printer.
# Print SCP usage: flag is ignored.
# Optional setting, default is: false. Not used for Storage type entries.
# PresentationLUTPreferSCPRendering = false
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some Print SCPs do not support the optional "Requested Image Size"
# attribute in Basic Grayscale Image Box N-SET operations.
# Print SCU usage: If flag is false, assume that the printer does not support
# requested image size, never send this attribute.
# Print SCP usage: If flag is true, support requested image size. Otherwise
# refuse N-SET operations containing a requested image size attribute.
# Optional setting, default is: false. Not used for Storage type entries.
# SupportsImageSize = false
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some Print SCPs do not support the optional "Requested Decimate/Crop Behaviour"
# attribute defined in Supplement 37 in Basic Grayscale Image Box N-SET
# operations.
# Print SCU usage: If flag is false, assume that the printer does not support
# requested decimate/crop behaviour, never send this attribute.
# Print SCP usage: If flag is true, support requested decimate/crop behaviour.
# Otherwise refuse N-SET operations containing this attribute.
# Optional setting, default is: false. Not used for Storage type entries.
# SupportsDecimateCrop = false
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some Print SCPs do not support the optional "Trim" attribute
# in Basic Film Box N-CREATE or N-SET operations.
# Print SCU usage: If flag is false, assume that the printer does not support
# trim, never send this attribute.
# Print SCP usage: If flag is true, support trim.
# Otherwise refuse N-CREATE or N-SET operations containing this attribute.
# Optional setting, default is: false. Not used for Storage type entries.
# SupportsTrim = true
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Print SCU usage: this entry contains a list of all STANDARD\C,R column, row
# combinations supported as Image Display Format by the Print SCP
# for portrait orientation. Landscape image display formats are derived
# automatically by exchanging column and row for each format.
# Print SCP usage: this entry specifies all STANDARD\C,R image display formats
# accepted by the Print SCP for portrait orientation. Landscape image display
# formats are also derived automatically.
# This is a mandatory entry, no default.
# DisplayFormat=1,1\1,2\2,2\2,3\3,3\3,4\3,5\4,4\4,5
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Film Size ID identifiers supported by the printer for the Basic Film Box.
# Multiple values can be specified, must be separated by '\' characters.
# Print SCU usage: Optional setting, default: don't specify film size ID,
# use printer default.
# Print SCP usage: The first specified value is used as the default. This
# is a mandatory setting for entries of type LOCALPRINTER.
# FilmSizeID = 8INX10IN\10INX12IN\10INX14IN\11INX14IN\14INX14IN\14INX17IN\24CMX24CM\24CMX30CM
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Medium Type identifiers supported by the printer for the Basic Film Session.
# Multiple values can be specified, must be separated by '\' characters.
# Print SCU usage: Optional setting, default: don't specify medium type,
# use printer default.
# Print SCP usage: The first specified value is used as the default. This
# is a mandatory entry.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requested Resolution ID identifiers supported by the printer
# for the Basic Film Box (optional attribute defined in Supplement 37).
# Multiple values can be specified, must be separated by '\' characters.
# Print SCU usage: Optional setting, default: don't specify resolution ID,
# use printer default.
# Print SCP usage: The first specified value is used as the default. This
# is an optional entry. If omitted, the Print SCP does not support the
# attribute and rejects N-CREATE or N-SET requests containing the attribtute.
# ResolutionID = STANDARD\HIGH
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Magnification Type identifiers supported by the printer for the Basic
# Film Box or Basic Grayscale Image Box. Multiple values can be specified,
# must be separated by '\' characters.
# Print SCU usage: Optional setting, default: don't specify magnification type,
# use printer default.
# Print SCP usage: The first specified value is used as the default. This
# is a mandatory entry.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Smoothing Type identifiers supported by the printer for the Basic Film
# Box or Image Box. Multiple values can be specified, must be separated by
# '\' characters.
# Print SCU usage: Optional setting, default: don't specify smoothing type,
# use printer default.
# Print SCP usage: The first specified value is used as the default. This
# is an optional entry. If omitted, the Print SCP does not support the
# attribute and rejects N-CREATE or N-SET requests containing the attribtute.
# SmoothingType = NONE
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Border Density identifiers supported by the printer for the Basic Film
# Box. Multiple values can be specified, must be separated by '\'
# characters.
# Print SCU usage: Optional setting, default: don't specify border density,
# use printer default.
# Print SCP usage: If any of the identifiers is numeric, then all numbers
# are accepted. The first specified value is used as the default. This is
# an optional entry. If omitted, the Print SCP does not support the
# attribute and rejects N-CREATE or N-SET requests containing the
# attribtute.
# BorderDensity = BLACK\WHITE\150
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Empty Image Density identifiers supported by the printer for the Basic
# Film Box. Multiple values can be specified, must be separated by '\'
# characters.
# Print SCU usage: Optional setting, default: don't specify empty image
# density, use printer default.
# Print SCP usage: If any of the identifiers is numeric, then all numbers
# are accepted. The first specified value is used as the default. This is
# an optional entry. If omitted, the Print SCP does not support the
# attribute and rejects N-CREATE or N-SET requests containing the
# attribtute.
# EmptyImageDensity = BLACK\WHITE\150
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Print SCU usage: Max Density values supported by the printer for the
# Basic Film Box. Multiple values can be specified, must be separated by
# '\' characters. Optional setting, default: don't specify max density
# density, use printer default.
# Print SCP usage: only the first value is read and defines the default max
# density that is used when the Print SCU does not specify max density.
# This is a mandatory entry.
# MaxDensity = 320\310\300\290\280\270
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Print SCU usage: Min Density values supported by the printer for the
# Basic Film Box. Multiple values can be specified, must be separated by
# '\' characters. Optional setting, default: don't specify min density
# density, use printer default.
# Print SCP usage: only the first value is read and defines the default min
# density that is used when the Print SCU does not specify min density.
# This is an optional entry. If omitted, the Print SCP does not support the
# attribute and rejects N-CREATE or N-SET requests containing the
# attribtute.
# MinDensity = 20\25\30\35\40\45\50
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The DICOMscope application provides limited support for the Basic
# Annotation Box SOP Class. When printing on printers supporting
# Annotation, a single annotation can be specified for each print job. This
# setting defines the annotation display format ID and annotation position
# that are used when creating the annotation.
# Print SCU usage: Two values must be specified: First the Annotation
# Position, then the Annotation Display Format ID, separated by '\'. This
# is an optional setting, default is not to use Basic Annotation Box.
# Print SCP usage: The Print SCP component does not support the Basic
# Annotation Box SOP Class. This setting should be omitted for all entries
# Annotation = 1\ANNOTATION
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some printers use the Film Session Label as a replacement for annotations.
# Print SCU usage: If flag is true, any annotation defined in the user
# interface is replicated in the Film Session Label attribute of the Basic
# Film Session. This is an optional setting, default is: false.
# Print SCP usage: Ignored. This setting should be omitted for all entries
# SessionLabelAnnotation = false
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration Information that can be sent to the printer for the Basic
# Film Box or Image Box. Only a single value per entry can be specified
# because values may contain backslash characters. (VR=ST). Keywords are
# "Configuration_1", "Configuration_2", etc., without leading zeroes.
# Print SCU usage: These are optional settings, default is not to use
# configuration information.
# Print SCP usage: These are optional settings. If omitted, the Print
# SCP does not support the attribute and rejects N-CREATE or N-SET requests
# containing the attribtute. The Print SCP default for Configuration
# Information is always an empty string.
# Configuration_1 = Configuration Value 1
# Configuration_2 = Configuration Value 2
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Film Destination identifiers supported by the Print SCP for the Basic
# Film Session. Multiple values can be specified, must be separated by '\'
# characters.
# Print SCU usage: ignored.
# Print SCP usage: The first specified value is used as the default. This
# is a mandatory entry.
# FilmDestination = MAGAZINE\PROCESSOR\BIN_1\BIN_2
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The Affected SOP Class UID attribute is optional in DIMSE N-CREATE-RSP
# messages but some clients rely on its presence. This setting can be used
# to test client behaviour.
# Print SCU usage: ignored.
# Print SCP usage: Defines whether the Print SCP should include Affected SOP
# Class UID in DIMSE N-CREATE-RSP messages. This is an optional setting,
# default is false.
# OmitSOPClassUIDFromCreateResponse = false
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# We define three send targets:
# One is a standard Store SCP which accepts conventional
# DICOM associations on port 10004, the others accept TLS secured DICOM
# associations on port 10007, with different ciphersuites.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aetitle = STORESCP
Description = Hostname, unsecure transmission
Hostname = Hostname
MaxPDU = 32768
Port = 10004
ImplicitOnly = false
DisableNewVRs = false

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aetitle = STORESCP
Description = Hostname, TLS transmission, no encryption
Hostname = Hostname
MaxPDU = 32768
Port = 10007
ImplicitOnly = false
DisableNewVRs = false
UseTLS = true
RandomSeed = store2.rnd
PeerAuthentication = REQUIRE
Certificate = sitecert.pem
PrivateKey = sitekey.pem

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aetitle = STORESCP
Description = Hostname, TLS transmission, 3DES encryption
Hostname = Hostname
MaxPDU = 32768
Port = 10007
ImplicitOnly = false
DisableNewVRs = false
UseTLS = true
RandomSeed = store3.rnd
PeerAuthentication = REQUIRE
Certificate = sitecert.pem
PrivateKey = sitekey.pem

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# We support two types of receivers:
# One is a standard Store SCP which accepts conventional
# DICOM associations on port 10004, the other one accepts TLS secured DICOM
# associations on port 10007.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aetitle = STORESCP1
Description = Standard receiver at port 10004
Hostname = localhost
MaxPDU = 32768
Port = 10004
ImplicitOnly = false
DisableNewVRs = false
BitPreservingMode = false

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# connections, default is 3DES. We require that the client authenticates
# with a certificate issued by a Certification Authority that we trust.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aetitle = STORESCP2
Description = Secure TLS receiver at port 10007
Hostname = localhost
MaxPDU = 32768
Port = 10007
ImplicitOnly = false
DisableNewVRs = false
BitPreservingMode = false
UseTLS = true
RandomSeed = receiver.rnd
PeerAuthentication = REQUIRE
Certificate = sitecert.pem
PrivateKey = sitekey.pem

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Print SCP that supports most options of the DICOM Print protocol and
# the IHE technical framework requirements for Print Server actors:
# - supports Presentation LUT and 12-bit image transmission
# - layouts: 1x1, 1x2, 2x2, 2x3, 3x3, 3x4, 3x5, 4x4, 4x5
# - supports typical defined terms for empty image density, film
# destination, film size ID, magnification type, medium type, resolution
# ID, requested decimate/crop behaviour, image size and trim.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Aetitle = PRINTSCP
Description = Test print scp
Hostname = localhost
Port = 5678

BorderDensity = 150\20\BLACK\WHITE
DisableNewVRs = false
EmptyImageDensity = 20\BLACK\WHITE
FilmSizeID = 8INX10IN\10INX12IN\10INX14IN\11INX14IN\14INX14IN\14INX17IN\24CMX24CM\24CMX30CM
ImplicitOnly = false
MaxDensity = 320
MaxPDU = 32768
MinDensity = 20
OmitSOPClassUIDFromCreateResponse = false
PresentationLUTMatchRequired = false
PresentationLUTinFilmSession = false
SmoothingType = NONE
Supports12Bit = true
SupportsDecimateCrop = true
SupportsImageSize = true
SupportsPresentationLUT = true
SupportsTrim = true

# ============================================================================
# Logins and Certificates for Digital Signature purposes
# are defined in the following section.
# ============================================================================

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following text documents all settings defined for a user.
# Each user requires one section with a unique section title.
# [USER_1]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Login of user, must be unique. Required entry.
# Login = name
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name of user in human readable form, must be unique (e.g. might be
# presented in combo box GUI).
# Required entry.
# Name = name
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name of user in DICOM Person Name (PN) format. Used when creating a
# Verifying Observer Sequence in a DICOM SR document.
# Required entry.
# DicomName = name
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name of Organization for which this user is acting, in DICOM Long String (LO)
# format (i.e. max 64 characters). Used when creating a
# Verifying Observer Sequence in a DICOM SR document.
# Required entry.
# Organization = name
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Code for identifying the user, with the entries required for the DICOM
# Code Sequence Macro (DICOM Part 3, Table 8.8-1). This is an optional entry
# that is used when creating a Verifying Observer Sequence in a DICOM SR
# document. If present, it must consist of four parts separated by backslash
# characters:
# - coding scheme designator, DICOM SH format (max. 16 characters)
# - coding scheme version (may be empty), DICOM SH format
# - code value, DICOM SH format
# - code meaning, DICOM LO format (max. 64 characters)
# Code = Coding_Scheme_Designator\Coding_Scheme_Version\Code_Value\Code_Meaning
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File containing the user's X.509 certificate for digital signature purposes.
# The certificate file must be located in directory defined in
# GENERAL/TLS/USERKEYDIRECTORY. The file format is defined in
# GENERAL/TLS/USEPEMFORMAT. This is a mandatory entry.
# Certificate = filename
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File containing the user's private key. The key is used during creation
# of digital signatures. The password with which the key is protected
# (when stored in PEM format) is also used to authenticate a user when
# a DICOM Structured Report is to be verified by a "Verifying Observer".
# The key file must be located in directory defined in
# GENERAL/TLS/USERKEYDIRECTORY. The file format is defined in
# GENERAL/TLS/USEPEMFORMAT. It is strongly recommended to keep the files
# in PEM format which (unlike DER) allows 3DES encryption of private keys!
# This is a mandatory entry.
# PrivateKey = filename
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Login = default
Name = Default User
DicomName = User^Default^^^
Organization = OFFIS e.V.
Code = 99_OFFIS_DCMTK\\USR.000001\DICOMscope 3.6.0 Default User
Certificate = usercert.pem
PrivateKey = userkey.pem

# ============================================================================
# Print Presentation LUT files are defined in the following section.
# ============================================================================

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Assign a unique name to each LUT and put this into the section name.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description of the LUT. Used in the GUI to present the selectable LUTs
# to the application user.
description = Linear LUT (256 Entries)

# Filename of the LUT file, should reside in LUT directory (see above).
filename = linear256us.lut

description = Lighten Image (256 Entries)
filename = lighten256us.lut

description = Darken Image (256 Entries)
filename = darken256us.lut

description = Enhance Midtone (256 Entries)
filename = midtone256us.lut

description = Philips Standard (256 Entries)
filename = philips256us.lut

description = Linear LUT (4096 Entries)
filename = linear4096us.lut

description = Lighten Image (4096 Entries)
filename = lighten4096us.lut

description = Darken Image (4096 Entries)
filename = darken4096us.lut

description = Enhance Midtone (4096 Entries)
filename = midtone4096us.lut

description = Philips Standard (4096 Entries)
filename = philips4096us.lut

# ============================================================================
# VOI Window Level/Width Preset Definitions
# ============================================================================

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Assign a unique name to each preset and put this into the section name.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description of the preset. Used in the GUI to present the selectable VOIs
description = Abdomen

# Modality to which this preset applies. Must be one of the DICOM defined
# terms for element (0008,0060) Modality, see PS3.3 C.
modality = CT

# Window center
center = 45

# Window width
width = 250

description = Bone
modality = CT
center = 500
width = 4000

description = Crane
modality = CT
center = 35
width = 100

description = Lung
modality = CT
center = -500
width = 2000

description = Mediastinum
modality = CT
center = 45
width = 440

description = Pelvis
modality = CT
center = 45
width = 300

# ============================================================================
# Structured Reporting (SR) "templates" are defined in the following section.
# ============================================================================

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Assign a unique name to each "template" and put this into the section name.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description of the report. Used in the GUI to present the selectable SR
# "template" to the application user.
description = Key Image Note (IHE Y2)

# Filename of the SR "template" file, should reside in REPORT directory
# (see above).
filename = reportki.dcm

description = Simple Image Report (IHE Y2)
filename = reportsi.dcm[/b]

We have created the log file in that directory already.

Please let us know if we are missing something

Arunodaya S
Posts: 19
Joined: Mon, 2016-09-26, 14:08

Re: DCMPSPRT : Doubts on the usage of command line options

#2 Post by Arunodaya S »

We were using the wrong option for layout option. After using the option "-l 1 2 " instead of "-l STANDARD\1,1" and it is working fine.

Arunodaya S
Posts: 19
Joined: Mon, 2016-09-26, 14:08

Re: DCMPSPRT : Doubts on the usage of command line options

#3 Post by Arunodaya S »

We were using the configuration file for the "dcmpsprt" as the configuration file for the logger as well by mistake, now we are using the correct logger file and it is working as expected.

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