FAQ #25: How can I get my own UID root and use it with DCMTK

Frequently Asked Questions regarding DCMTK

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Marco Eichelberg
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Joined: Tue, 2004-11-02, 17:22
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FAQ #25: How can I get my own UID root and use it with DCMTK

#1 Post by Marco Eichelberg »

:?: How can I get my own UID root and use that with DCMTK?

:!: UID roots can only be issued by ISO registered bodies and, in general, will cost a registration fee. For details, check the Medical Image Format FAQ at the following URLs:
http://www.dclunie.com/medical-image-fa ... 2.html#UID
http://www.dclunie.com/medical-image-fa ... gistration
Once you have your own UID root registered, you can simply re-compile DCMTK using the macro SITE_UID_ROOT:

(for Linux/Solaris users:) after running configure, add the following compiler switch to the CXXFLAGS in file config/Makefile.def

Code: Select all

CXXFLAGS= -DSITE_UID_ROOT="your_uid_root" (...rest of definitions...) 
and re-compile the toolkit;

(for Windows and VC++ users) add the following code to the file CMakeLists.txt in the main dcmtk folder

Code: Select all

re-generate the .dsw and .dsp files (using CMake) and re-compile the toolkit.

The UID generation algorithm in DCMTK may add up to 44 characters to your UID root (34 characters plus the value of an unsigned int counter), make sure that you do not break the 64 character limit on a UID.

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