Convert JPEG image to DICOM

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Convert JPEG image to DICOM

#1 Post by jsolomon »

Thank you for all of your work on this great toolkit. Is it possible to use some of the compiled binaries available in DCMTK to convert a JPEG image to DICOM part 10 format? If not, do you have any recommendations for a command line tool outside of DCMTK that is linux compatible?

Thank you,
Jeff Solomon

Michael Onken
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#2 Post by Michael Onken »

Hello Jeff,

I have a tool based on DCMTK that converts JPEG to DICOM (Visible Light Photography and Old Secondary Capture Objects supported), which may be part of the next release. However, I have not finished it yet and it should get some testing, too.

The tool actually does not decompress the JPEG image but takes the JPEG data stream, throws away some unwanted markers (e.g. JFIF) and copies the remaing stream to a DICOM object. Other attributes like patient name etc. can be specified via commandline parameters or extracted (ie. copied) from a given DICOM file.

If you are interested, I could provide a linux binary at the end of the week or start of next week. Please send an email to onken(at)offis(dot).de if you want to try out (beta test:)) the program (internal use).


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