Installation under linux with dcmtk 3.5.4

Compilation and installation of DICOMscope

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Installation under linux with dcmtk 3.5.4

#1 Post by chus »


I'm running a linux mandriva 2007 distro and I would like to install DICOMScope 3.5.1 on it. I have installed dcmtk 3.5.4 libraries and I have a few questions. I also installed jdk 1.6.0

-Does DICOMScope only run with dcmtk 3.5.0 or I can use my installed dcmtk3.5.4 libraries?

-What's the proper installation procedure for my case?

-Which java versions are supported to compile the code?

Thanks in advance

Marco Eichelberg
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#2 Post by Marco Eichelberg »

DICOMscope 3.5.1 will probably only compile with DCMTK 3.5.0. For newer DCMTK versions, minor changes in the JNI interface classes will be needed to reflect changes in the DCMTK API - if you are somewhat "fluent" in Java and C++, this should be rather trivial, though. With DCMTK 3.5.0, things should just compile "out of the box".

The installation procedure is described in the user manual, which is part of the source code package, in section J.2.

DICOMscope is known to compile with JDK 1.3. Newer versions of the JRE (runtime) also work without problems, but I have never tried to compile the Java code with newer Java compilers. This might just work or the compiler might complain about the use of deprecated constructs - just give it a try.

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#3 Post by chus »

Marco Eichelberg wrote: DICOMscope is known to compile with JDK 1.3. Newer versions of the JRE (runtime) also work without problems, but I have never tried to compile the Java code with newer Java compilers. This might just work or the compiler might complain about the use of deprecated constructs - just give it a try.
(First I'll try with dcmtk 3.5.4.)
I followed the first step of the java compilation process and I get 4 erros and a lots of warnings; most of the warnings are about the encoding of the files ( my system is utf8-encoded ) which are not a problem. There are other about deprecated methods and unchecked/unsafe operations and I supose it's because the java version. The errors are the following:

Code: Select all

./browser/ '.' expected
import DICOMscope;
./browser/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class DICOMscope
location: class browser.StudyMan
    private DICOMscope parent;
./browser/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class DICOMscope
location: class browser.StudyMan
    public StudyMan(jDVInterface dvi, DICOMscope parent,Hashtable config)	
./about/ '.' expected
import DICOMscope;
I never programmed in java so I don't understand which could be the source of the problem. Do you know how can I fix them?

thanks in advance!

Marco Eichelberg
Posts: 1514
Joined: Tue, 2004-11-02, 17:22
Location: Oldenburg, Germany

#4 Post by Marco Eichelberg »

I'm not a Java expert either, but it should probably be

Code: Select all

import DICOMscope.*;

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