Waveform (DICOM-ECG)

Questions regarding other OFFIS DICOM tools

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I have a set of data can you help me to extract the lead values

#16 Post by ajan_p »

I am trying to plot an ECG from DICOM file . I tried extracting the DCM_WaveformData. I got a set of data. Now i need to extract the lead values. Do we need to use an decoding mechanism to get those values.
The sample binary data is as follows(not complete)

The modality is ECG
Number of Waveform Channels:-12
Number of Waveform Samples:-2400
Sampling Frequency:-240
Waveform Bits Stored:-16
Waveform Bits Allocated:-16
Waveform Sample Interpretation:SS

I 'ld like to know how to segregate the channel and data.
It's mention as C1S1,C2S1,C3S1... CnS1
Can you help me to extract the Data and how to do it.
Thanks & Warm Regards,

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Re: Waveform (DICOM-ECG)

#17 Post by kstn_hut_hat »

I also am looking for examples of waveform. Can you help me? How to display waveform? Based on?. I'm starter.

Michael Onken
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Re: Waveform (DICOM-ECG)

#18 Post by Michael Onken »


DCMTK does not have an ECG or general DCIOM Waveform viewer.

I know that the pixelmed toolkithas a simple DICOM ECG viewer. Also, I have heard that the company Visus can display DICOM Waveforms in their viewer, and there is a personal edition for free download of their DICOM Viewer (I don't know whether it includes the Waveform feature).

Many years ago I wrote a dedicated Waveform API for DCMTK (no GUI). I can provide the code on request to onken/at/open-connections/dot/de. Note that it is not meant for production use, yet.


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Re: Waveform (DICOM-ECG)

#19 Post by kstn_hut_hat »

Michael Onken wrote:Hi,

DCMTK does not have an ECG or general DCIOM Waveform viewer.

I know that the pixelmed toolkithas a simple DICOM ECG viewer. Also, I have heard that the company Visus can display DICOM Waveforms in their viewer, and there is a personal edition for free download of their DICOM Viewer (I don't know whether it includes the Waveform feature).

Many years ago I wrote a dedicated Waveform API for DCMTK (no GUI). I can provide the code on request to onken/at/open-connections/dot/de. Note that it is not meant for production use, yet.

Now, i am researching with DCMTK APi. I use DCMTK 3.6.1. But i don't know to use it for read DICOM Waveform. Can you help me? Can you share me Waveform API?
Thanks so much!

Michael Onken
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Re: Waveform (DICOM-ECG)

#20 Post by Michael Onken »

As said, send me a mail to the given address and I can provide you with an experimental DCMTK extension.

But you can also read DICOM waveform objects with the standard DCMTK 3.6.1 code. Look into the dcmdata documentation how to read DICOM files and access their content.


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Re: Waveform (DICOM-ECG)

#21 Post by kstn_hut_hat »

Michael Onken wrote:As said, send me a mail to the given address and I can provide you with an experimental DCMTK extension.

But you can also read DICOM waveform objects with the standard DCMTK 3.6.1 code. Look into the dcmdata documentation how to read DICOM files and access their content.

Sorry, Is this your email: onken@offis.de?. I saw your answer but i don't know how to do. My email is hoanganhtuanctes@gmail.com
Thanks for support!

Michael Onken
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Re: Waveform (DICOM-ECG)

#22 Post by Michael Onken »


I have sent you a mail.

I am not with OFFIS any more but started a small spin-off called Open Connections. Mails to OFFIS won't reach me though I am in close contact with my former colleagues at OFFIS.

Best regards,

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