Display shutter module

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Display shutter module

#1 Post by m-ishihara »

Hi OFFIS team,

We are using both getOutputData and createWindowsDIB functions to get renderd images. But we have not got any image with Display shutter described in c.7.6.11 of PS3.3.
DICOM data with shutter definition tag, i.e. (0018,1600), is not applied on its image.
I believe shutter function is implemented, because there is a checking shutter function in the dcmstat module.
If there is a switching key to shutter ON and OFF, please let us know the key.

Thank's for your help,

Best Regards,

Marco Eichelberg
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#2 Post by Marco Eichelberg »

You are right - display shutters are not applied by class DicomImage or the code in module dcmpstat. You have to understand that dcmpstat was designed as support code for the DICOMscope viewer, which is written in a mixture of C++ (DCMTK) and Java code. In DICOMscope, all handling of vector graphics (graphical annotation sequence, text annotations, shutters, but also bitmap overlays since they can be mixed with vector graphics) are handled in the Java layer. So the C++ layer only provides API methods that allow the Java code to check whether a shutter is there and to access the coordinates of the shutter. Rendering then happens on the Java layer and, therefore, there is no such code in DCMTK.

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Location: Japan

#3 Post by m-ishihara »

Hi Marco,

Thank you for your reply.

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