FAQ #14: ImageCTN always stores incoming images in /tmp [Unix]

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Marco Eichelberg
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Joined: Tue, 2004-11-02, 17:22
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FAQ #14: ImageCTN always stores incoming images in /tmp [Unix]

#1 Post by Marco Eichelberg »

:?: When I run the "imagectn" application on my UNIX system, it seems to put image files in /tmp instead of the directory specified as the storage area in my "configrc" file, although the "index.dat" file does get put there. Is there anything I might be doing wrong?

:!: Imagectn uses the tempnam(3S) system call to create the filename for an image file to be stored in the database. tempnam() will use /tmp as target directory if
  • the target directory (from configrc) does not exist
  • imagectn has no write access rights to the target directory
  • you have an environment variable TMPDIR pointing to /tmp
  • you are running imagectn as root
We generally recommend not to run imagectn as root. If you want imagectn to listen on port 104, change the owner of the imagectn binary to "root" and the access rights to 4755 (s-bit mode). This will allow imagectn to open the socket with super-user rights and then switch to the "safe" user ID of the calling user.

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