no, this is not a new version of the Need4Speed electronic game
In my application, I use the tools storescu/storescp to get images from a CD-ROM. This is done because my application can also receive images by networks from pacs.
The problem is that getting images from DVD is really long for 'filled DVD' (say 1200 Mr images + 1500 others files (jpg, etc..) (up to 7 minutes !!)
This is the way I'm starting storescu and storescp processes:
Code: Select all
storescu.exe --no-halt +sd +r -q -aec MY_AETITLE -xf storescu_configfile STORESCU_CONFIG localhost 11112 f:\*
Code: Select all
storescp.exe 11112 -od d:\temp\Receipt -aet MY_AETITLE -xf storescp_configfile STORESCP_CONFIG -sp --fork
I'd like to add (or remove options except the --fork) to speedup transfert
Any idea and/or advice is welcome