Code: Select all
dcmdata.lib(dcuid.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _Netbios@4
The DCMTK libraries have the following internal dependencies (modules introduced with DCMTK 3.6.0 are not listed here):
- dcmdata ofstd
- dcmimage dcmimgle, dcmdata, ofstd
- dcmimgle dcmdata, ofstd
- dcmjpeg ijg8, ijg12, ijg16, dcmimage, dcmimgle, dcmdata, ofstd
- dcmnet dcmdata, ofstd
- dcmpstat dcmimage, dcmimgle, dcmsign, dcmsr, imagectn, dcmtls, dcmnet, dcmdata, ofstd
- dcmsign dcmdata, ofstd
- dcmsr dcmdata, ofstd
- dcmtls dcmnet, dcmdata, ofstd
- dcmwlm dcmnet, dcmdata, ofstd
- imagectn/dcmqrdb dcmnet, dcmdata, ofstd
Also see the following figure which should always be up-to-date with regard to the DCMTK modules.