4D cine (3d + time) multiframe dcm with DCMTKImageIO on ITK

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4D cine (3d + time) multiframe dcm with DCMTKImageIO on ITK

#1 Post by jiprieto »

Hi I am new to DCMTK. I am developing an app that tries to load cine images on itk and then have a per frame visualization. I am using the class provided by ITK, DCMTKImageIO and it loads a 3d set correctly. My data is a MRI cine non enhanced DICOM with 20 frames and 100 slices in Z axis, then it has 2000 2d files. The problem is that it identifies every file as a different slice, so my itk matrix looks like [288,288,2000,1] instead of [288,288,100,20]. I think this is originated in file itkDCMTKFileReader.cxx line 456 where says that the number of frames is on the 0028,0008 tag (which doesn't exists on my dataset) instead of reading 0018,1060 trigger time tag.
Does somebody has any hint on how to fix this? should I write my own myitkDCMTKFileReader.cxx or there is another way in DCMTK to detect this?

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Re: 4D cine (3d + time) multiframe dcm with DCMTKImageIO on

#2 Post by jiprieto »

Update, thanks to Norman Williams from ITK, who updated the file itkDCMTKImageIO.cxx , now it reads correctly the phillips MR

Michael Onken
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Re: 4D cine (3d + time) multiframe dcm with DCMTKImageIO on

#3 Post by Michael Onken »

Great, thanks for sharing the update :)


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