Dcmtk connection time out

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Dcmtk connection time out

#1 Post by ybu »

I try to set a time out for a Dicom connection. I set a time out when initializing my network with

Code: Select all

ASC_initializeNetwork( NET_REQUESTOR, mHostPort,
      mInitializationTimeOut, &mpNet);
Where mInitializationTimeOut is my time out in second and mpNet my network association.

When I go down to the dcmtk code, I noticed that when it's time to request an association for TCP, it uses a global value:

Code: Select all

    // get global connection timeout
    Sint32 connectTimeout = dcmConnectionTimeout.get();
The code is from /dcmnet/libsrc/dulfsm.cc

Did I understand something wrong?

Should I set the global variable dcmConnectionTimeout to the value I want instead of setting my T_ASC_Network?

Posts: 7
Joined: Tue, 2005-01-18, 20:19

#2 Post by ybu »

up :?:

Posts: 7
Joined: Tue, 2005-01-18, 20:19

#3 Post by ybu »

Last up :?

Does someone at Offis know about this issue :?:

Marco Eichelberg
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#4 Post by Marco Eichelberg »

This some very old code (> 12 years) you are digging in. The timeout parameter that is passed to ASC_initializeNetwork() is only used for very specific things, mostly for determining the timeout used when reading incoming PDUs in mode DIMSE_NONBLOCKING. The global object dcmConnectionTimeout specifies a timeout for outgoing association requests. The timeout for incoming association requests is directly specified as a parameter to ASC_receiveAssociation().

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Joined: Tue, 2005-01-18, 20:19

#5 Post by ybu »

Sorry to be so long on the answer, but I was on the road.

I am not sure I really understood what you meant.

What I want to do is set a timeout when my client send a DICOM-SCU (let's say an ECHO-SCU). So should I use the dcmConnectionTimeOut global object? If not, what is the best solution?


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