PostScript images very large (about 140 Mb)

Questions regarding the DCMPRINT library, a DCMTK add-on that implements a DICOM Print Management SCP and SCU

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PostScript images very large (about 140 Mb)

#1 Post by Maximus01970 »

What happens to my Dcmprn server ?
Dcmprn V 3.5.4 on Virtualbox Fedora 3 with a Canon PS Printer runnning for more than three years
without any issues, suddenly start to create all PS files in CUPS queue large about 140 Mb
(Instead Of about 10 Mb) coming from a Pacs workstation containing ultrasounds images (Philips)
The time for complete printing in about 6 minutes
Anyone can help me ? Thanks a lot


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Re: PostScript images very large (about 140 Mb)

#2 Post by Maximus01970 »

I can add that maybe this happens after change the source of the images from Philips U15 to Philips Affinity
Ultrasound machine


Marco Eichelberg
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Re: PostScript images very large (about 140 Mb)

#3 Post by Marco Eichelberg »

If the size of the Postscript files has changed, then there are two possible reasons:
  • The imaging modality produces images of much higher resolution
  • The workstation has received a software update that changes the way printjobs are created.
I have seen many workstations that tend to render all images for a complete page into one huge bitmap and send that to the printer in a STANDARD\1,1 layout (i.e. one image filling the whole page). That of course leads to very large bitmaps. The possibility to handle this problem on the server side is limited: You can active two options in the print server (tcpsrv.cfg) that lead to a more efficient representation of bitmaps in the print job:

Code: Select all

EnableASCII85 = YES
EnableRLE = YES
Processing time in the printer will not be reduced by these settings, however. That is simply a function of the bitmap size.

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Re: PostScript images very large (about 140 Mb)

#4 Post by Maximus01970 »

Yes Marco,
The size of the simple Dicom images are almost doubled with the new ultrasound modality
I will try this fix and let you know


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