Linking Header Files to IDE MacOs

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Linking Header Files to IDE MacOs

#1 Post by jazibaskari »

Hi, I'm new to both C++ and this toolkit but I've successfully installed DCMTK using Homebrew. I now need to write the include statements at the top of my code to be able to use the necessary libraries but there are so many header files, is there an easy way to add them all quickly? Also, if I wanted to do a simple dcmdump, which header file from which directory in the DCMTK installation folder would I need to #include at the top of my code? Thanks.

J. Riesmeier
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Re: Linking Header Files to IDE MacOs

#2 Post by J. Riesmeier »

It would certainly be a bad idea to "add all header files" to your program. If you want to make use of the print() method that is also used by dcmdump, including the main header file of the dcmdata module (dcmtk/dcmdata/dctk.h) should do.

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