Mandatory DICOM attribute sequence "Basic Grayscale Image Sequence (2020,0110)" is missing in N-SET-RSP when DICOMscope

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Mandatory DICOM attribute sequence "Basic Grayscale Image Sequence (2020,0110)" is missing in N-SET-RSP when DICOMscope

#1 Post by emssuganithi »

Topic: Mandatory DICOM attribute sequence "Basic Grayscale Image Sequence (2020,0110)" is missing in N-SET-RSP when DICOMscope 3.6.4 acts as a Print Server

SCP: DICOMscope 3.6.4

Test Data:
1) Basic Gray Scale Image - DICOM IOD

Test Steps:
1. Initiate a DICOM print from SCU.
2. DICOM Print is successful.
3. DICOM object is successfully printed (virtual print) at the DICOMscope.
4. Analyze the Network capture logs transaction for the DICOM Print activity , in DICOMscope perspective.

Expected Result:
1. Mandatory DICOM tags at N-CREATE, N-SET, and N-ACTION, DICOM services are supported successfully with respect to Print server.

Actual Result:
1. Mandatory DICOM attribute sequence "Basic Grayscale Image Sequence (2020,0110)" is missing in N-SET-RSP when DICOMscope 3.6.4 as a Print Server (SCP).

Kindly suggest me , am I missing something ? is there any configuration changes available to accomplish this issue.
Meanwhile , Print Composer (SCU) sends the "Mandatory DICOM attribute sequence "Basic Grayscale Image Sequence (2020,0110)" as part of N-SET-RQ.

With Thanks and Regards,
Suganithi Subramanian

J. Riesmeier
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Re: Mandatory DICOM attribute sequence "Basic Grayscale Image Sequence (2020,0110)" is missing in N-SET-RSP when DICOMsc

#2 Post by J. Riesmeier »

1. Mandatory DICOM attribute sequence "Basic Grayscale Image Sequence (2020,0110)" is missing in N-SET-RSP when DICOMscope 3.6.4 as a Print Server (SCP).
Where did you read in the DICOM standard text that the SCP shall return a dataset with this sequence element in the N-SET-RSP?
If you refer to the "Usage SCU/SCP​" column of Table H.4-10 in PS3.4, this notation is explained in PS3.4 Section H.2.4.

Marco Eichelberg
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Re: Mandatory DICOM attribute sequence "Basic Grayscale Image Sequence (2020,0110)" is missing in N-SET-RSP when DICOMsc

#3 Post by Marco Eichelberg »

The behaviour you describe was a deliberate design choice. When sending the N-SET-RSP message, the print server omits the Basic Grayscale Image Sequence. Sending that sequence would be somewhat silly, because it would mean that the print server sends the entire image bitmap (which in a case of X-ray would be 8-16 MBytes) back to the print client, which has absolutely no use for it. Whether or not this is correct with regard to the N-SET specification is a bit of a gray area. The N-SET-RSP is not required to contain ANY attribute, but in this case we are sending some but not all attributes. However, in more than 20 years, I have never encountered a (real-world) DICOM printer that would have had a problem with that.

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