We are having trouble displaying a DICOM object.
Is a compressed object and is YBR_FULL_422. We believe that the object is not well formed (has PhotometricInterpretation=YBR_FULL_422 and TransferSyntaxUID=JPEGLossless:Non-hierarchical-1stOrderPrediction).
If I try to open the compressed object with a viewer such as MicroDicom, it displays the image incorrectly. Instead, the RadiAnt displays it correctly.
If I try to uncompress the original DICOM object using the DCMTKs (dcmdjpeg), regardless of the parameters I use, the resulting uncompressed DICOM object is not displayed with either of the two mentioned viewers.
I attach my dicom file if you want to test and check my DICOM file: https://we.tl/t-eQo2X1hFHk (We Transfer has a "Preview" option, if you don't trust this content. Please, check it)
Is there is a issue with the dcmdjpeg tool? Or simply, the compressed DICOM object is not well formed? In this case, why RadiAnt can open correctly the image?
Thanks and take care.
YBR_FULL_422 compressed
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