Pre-built DCMTK libraries and header files

Compilation and installation of DCMTK

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Pre-built DCMTK libraries and header files

#1 Post by thomb »


We are moving to the 3.6.8 version from 3.5.4. When we started with 3.5.4, it was decided that the source code for that version of DCMTK would be downloaded and setup for building with Microsoft Visual Studio.
Instead of building the libraries ourselves for 3.6.8, are their prebuilt libraries and header files I can store locally and use for compilation and linking of our application?

I see a binaries for the tools, but not just the libraries and include files.

Thank you.

Marco Eichelberg
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Re: Pre-built DCMTK libraries and header files

#2 Post by Marco Eichelberg »

We don't provide pre-built DCMTK libraries for Visual Studio. Compiling that by yourself should be easy enough.

Michael Onken
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Re: Pre-built DCMTK libraries and header files

#3 Post by Michael Onken »


however, if it helps, you can find libraries, headers and binaries for the latest code (i.e. latest upstream commit of DCMTK) on GitHub. In the future, i.e. if there is a release 3.6.9 for example, there will be the same kind of download also for that release.

Another option is to use vcpkg as a package manager and build DCMTK using "vcpkg install dcmtk". There are versions with different options enabled (try "vcpkg search dcmtk") but I don't know how good they work.

Building DCMTK yourself is the best option if you want to have full control over the result.

Best regards,

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Re: Pre-built DCMTK libraries and header files

#4 Post by thomb »

Thank you. I had expected to build the libraries myself and provide a way for others to build them if needed.
However, a team member asked if they were already built so we could just use them. I thought I would check

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