Is there a way to select x64 and Win32?

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Is there a way to select x64 and Win32?

#1 Post by thomb »

In the CMake GUI is there a way to specify x64 and Win32 for the optional platform for generator?

Marco Eichelberg
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Re: Is there a way to select x64 and Win32?

#2 Post by Marco Eichelberg »

Yes. If you select a Visual Studio version as a generator, the dialog will display a selection list named "optional platform for generator". There you can select Win32, x64, and some ARM varieties.

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Re: Is there a way to select x64 and Win32?

#3 Post by thomb »

I didn't see a way to multi-select so I would have x64 and win32 showing in the edit box.
When I select one, I get that single selection. There is no way that I can see to have x64 and win32 show together.
If I select x64, I see x64 in "optional platform for generator".
If I select win32, I see win32 in "optional platform for generator".
I tried CTRL-click to multi-select but that did not work.

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Re: Is there a way to select x64 and Win32?

#4 Post by thomb »

Are you saying to manually enter "x64,Win32" into "optional platform for generator"?

Michael Onken
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Re: Is there a way to select x64 and Win32?

#5 Post by Michael Onken »

No, you can always configure only for one platform, x64 or win32.
Just use two different build folders and configure/generate twice.

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Re: Is there a way to select x64 and Win32?

#6 Post by thomb »

I'll stick with x64 for now and if I need the win32 (hope not), I will generate a new build directory for it.
Thanks again.

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