Using ProcedureCodeSequence to query for studies

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Using ProcedureCodeSequence to query for studies

#1 Post by greenwood »


I am using DCMTK to query for studies and then use the study information to extract selected series from the server for research purposes (image data analysis). However, I have some trouble querying a specific type of imaging dataset on our PACS-Server, as querying by Description, Protocol etc. does not yield the correct number of results that I can retrieve via the RIS-System. I extracted some of the files, and the only unique dicom tags seem to be coded in a CodeProcedureSequence in the following way:

Procedure Code Sequence "[(0008, 0100) Code Value SH: 'YY' (0008, 0102) Coding Scheme Designator SH: 'X' (0008, 0104) Code Meaning LO: 'ZZ']"

How could I include this in a query using dcmtk from the command line? I have not been able to successfully wrap the CodeValue, CodingSchemeDesignator and CodeMeaning, nor can I use the tags own their own to query for results. I tried all kinds of brackets etc. I apologize if this a somewhat basic question.

Thank you

J. Riesmeier
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Re: Using ProcedureCodeSequence to query for studies

#2 Post by J. Riesmeier »

I guess that you use findscu as a command line tool. The so-called path syntax for nested elements is described in the documentation (man page of this tool).

Something like e.g. "-k ProcedureCodeSequence[0].CodeValue=CV -k ProcedureCodeSequence[0].CodingSchemeDesignator=CSD" should work, if the SCP really supports this Attribute, which you should be able to find out by looking into the DICOM Conformance Statement of the particular device.

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Re: Using ProcedureCodeSequence to query for studies

#3 Post by greenwood »

Thank you - I will try that.
Our PACS is somewhat quirky, and a lot of studies are missing when I query for the details that I can extract from the same studies from the dicom tags.



J. Riesmeier
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Re: Using ProcedureCodeSequence to query for studies

#4 Post by J. Riesmeier »

Good luck, but most Attributes are not required to be supported by a Query/Retrieve SCP. See e.g. this table for "Study Level Keys for the Patient Root Query/Retrieve Information Model" -- only 5 of them are actually required to be supported.

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