I request a hand, I was going over a dicom code of dcmdump.cc and I need a hand to know how to call filedump() below in order to print metadata and the raw file
Code: Select all
int dumpFile(STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out,
const OFFilename &ifname,
const E_FileReadMode readMode,
const E_TransferSyntax xfer,
const size_t printFlags,
const OFBool loadIntoMemory,
const OFBool stopOnErrors,
const OFBool convertToUTF8,
const DcmTagKey &stopParsingAtElement,
const char *pixelDirectory)
int result = 0;
if (ifname.isEmpty())
OFLOG_ERROR(dcmdumpLogger, OFFIS_CONSOLE_APPLICATION << ": invalid filename: <empty string>");
return 1;
DcmFileFormat dfile;
DcmObject *dset = &dfile;
if (readMode == ERM_dataset) dset = dfile.getDataset();
OFCondition cond;
if (stopParsingAtElement == DCM_UndefinedTagKey)
cond = dfile.loadFile(ifname, xfer, EGL_noChange, OFstatic_cast(Uint32, maxReadLength), readMode);
// instead of using loadFile(), we call loadFileUntilTag().
cond = dfile.loadFileUntilTag(ifname, xfer, EGL_noChange, OFstatic_cast(Uint32, maxReadLength), readMode, stopParsingAtElement);
if (cond.bad())
OFLOG_ERROR(dcmdumpLogger, OFFIS_CONSOLE_APPLICATION << ": " << cond.text() << ": reading file: "<< ifname);
result = 1;
if (stopOnErrors) return result;
if (loadIntoMemory) dfile.loadAllDataIntoMemory();
if (convertToUTF8)
OFLOG_INFO(dcmdumpLogger, "converting all element values that are affected by Specific Character Set (0008,0005) to UTF-8");
cond = dfile.convertToUTF8();
if (cond.bad())
OFLOG_ERROR(dcmdumpLogger, OFFIS_CONSOLE_APPLICATION << ": " << cond.text() << ": converting file to UTF-8: " << ifname);
result = 1;
if (stopOnErrors) return result;
// avoid compiler warning on unused variable
size_t pixelCounter = 0;
const char *pixelFileName = NULL;
OFFilename pixelFilenameStr;
if (pixelDirectory != NULL)
/* create filename for pixel data */
OFFilename fileName;
OFStandard::getFilenameFromPath(fileName, ifname);
OFStandard::combineDirAndFilename(pixelFilenameStr, pixelDirectory, fileName);
pixelFileName = pixelFilenameStr.getCharPointer();
/* dump complete file content */
if (printTagCount == 0)
dset->print(out, printFlags, 0 /*level*/, pixelFileName, &pixelCounter);
} else {
OFBool firstTag = OFTrue;
/* only print specified tags */
for (int i = 0; i < printTagCount; i++)
unsigned int group = 0xffff;
unsigned int elem = 0xffff;
DcmTagKey searchKey;
const char *tagName = printTagNames[i];
if (printTagKeys[i])
searchKey = *printTagKeys[i];
else if (sscanf(tagName, "%x,%x", &group, &elem) == 2)
searchKey.set(OFstatic_cast(Uint16, group), OFstatic_cast(Uint16, elem));
else {
OFLOG_FATAL(dcmdumpLogger, "Internal ERROR in File " << __FILE__ << ", Line "
<< __LINE__ << OFendl << " -- Named tag inconsistency");
DcmStack stack;
if (dset->search(searchKey, stack, ESM_fromHere, OFTrue) == EC_Normal)
if (firstTag)
if (!printFilename)
/* a newline separates two consecutive "dumps" */
if (++fileCounter > 1)
COUT << OFendl;
/* print header with filename */
if (printFileSearch)
COUT << "# " << OFFIS_CONSOLE_APPLICATION << " (" << fileCounter << "): " << ifname << OFendl;
firstTag = OFFalse;
printResult(out, stack, printFlags, pixelFileName, &pixelCounter);
if (printAllInstances)
while (dset->search(searchKey, stack, ESM_afterStackTop, OFTrue) == EC_Normal)
printResult(out, stack, printFlags, pixelFileName, &pixelCounter);
return result;
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int status = 0;
E_TransferSyntax xfer;
// read dump file into metaheader and dataset
if (readDumpFile(metaheader, dataset, dumpfile, opt_ifname, xfer, opt_stopOnErrors,
OFstatic_cast(unsigned long, opt_linelength)))
/* generate new UIDs (if required) */
if (opt_generateUIDs)
char uid[100];
if (opt_overwriteUIDs || !dataset->tagExistsWithValue(DCM_StudyInstanceUID))
OFLOG_INFO(dump2dcmLogger, "generating new Study Instance UID");
dataset->putAndInsertString(DCM_StudyInstanceUID, dcmGenerateUniqueIdentifier(uid, SITE_STUDY_UID_ROOT));
if (opt_overwriteUIDs || !dataset->tagExistsWithValue(DCM_SeriesInstanceUID))
OFLOG_INFO(dump2dcmLogger, "generating new Series Instance UID");
dataset->putAndInsertString(DCM_SeriesInstanceUID, dcmGenerateUniqueIdentifier(uid, SITE_SERIES_UID_ROOT));
if (opt_overwriteUIDs || !dataset->tagExistsWithValue(DCM_SOPInstanceUID))
OFLOG_INFO(dump2dcmLogger, "generating new SOP Instance UID");
dataset->putAndInsertString(DCM_SOPInstanceUID, dcmGenerateUniqueIdentifier(uid, SITE_INSTANCE_UID_ROOT));
/* make sure that the file meta information is updated correspondingly */
if (opt_writeMode == EWM_fileformat)
opt_writeMode = EWM_updateMeta;
// write into file format or dataset
OFLOG_INFO(dump2dcmLogger, "writing DICOM file");
/* determine transfer syntax to write the file */
if (opt_xfer == EXS_Unknown)
opt_xfer = xfer;
/* check whether output xfer is still unknown */
if (opt_xfer == EXS_Unknown)
OFLOG_WARN(dump2dcmLogger, "output transfer syntax unknown, assuming --write-xfer-little");
opt_xfer = EXS_LittleEndianExplicit;
/* check whether it is possible to write the file */
if (fileformat.canWriteXfer(opt_xfer))
/* check whether pixel data is compressed */
if ((opt_writeMode == EWM_dataset) && DcmXfer(xfer).usesEncapsulatedFormat())
OFLOG_WARN(dump2dcmLogger, "encapsulated pixel data require file format, ignoring --write-dataset");
opt_writeMode = EWM_fileformat;
OFCondition l_error = fileformat.saveFile(opt_ofname, opt_xfer, opt_enctype, opt_glenc, opt_padenc,
OFstatic_cast(Uint32, opt_filepad), OFstatic_cast(Uint32, opt_itempad), opt_writeMode);
if (l_error == EC_Normal)
OFLOG_INFO(dump2dcmLogger, "dump successfully converted");
} else {
OFLOG_ERROR(dump2dcmLogger, l_error.text() << ": writing file: " << opt_ofname);
status = 1;
} else {
OFLOG_ERROR(dump2dcmLogger, "no conversion to transfer syntax " << DcmXfer(opt_xfer).getXferName() << " possible!");
status = 2;
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OFCondition MdfDatasetManager::modifyOrInsertFromFile(OFString tag_path,
const OFString& filename,
const OFBool only_modify,
const OFBool update_metaheader,
const OFBool ignore_missing_tags,
const OFBool no_reservation_checks)
// if no file loaded: return an error
if (dfile == NULL)
return makeOFCondition(OFM_dcmdata, 22, OF_error, "No file loaded yet!");
// first, perform some basic checks on the specified file(name)
if (filename.empty())
return makeOFCondition(OFM_dcmdata, 22, OF_error, "No filename specified to read value from!");
if (!OFStandard::fileExists(filename))
return makeOFCondition(OFM_dcmdata, 22, OF_error, "File to read value from does not exist!");
if (!OFStandard::isReadable(filename))
return makeOFCondition(OFM_dcmdata, 22, OF_error, "File to read value from is not readable!");
// Find or create path and perform basic validity checks
DcmPathProcessor proc;
OFCondition result = findOrCreateValidPath(proc, tag_path, filename, only_modify, ignore_missing_tags, no_reservation_checks);
if (result.bad())
return result;
// start modifying element value as desired
OFList<DcmPath*> resultPaths;
OFListIterator(DcmPath*) resultPath = resultPaths.begin();
DcmPathNode* lastElement;
while (resultPath != resultPaths.end())
lastElement = (*resultPath)->back();
if (lastElement == NULL)
return EC_IllegalCall;
// if tag is already present, start modify operation
DcmElement* elem = OFstatic_cast(DcmElement*, lastElement->m_obj);
if (elem == NULL)
return EC_IllegalCall;
// Check if pixel data insertion can be performed (and report error if result.bad())
result = checkPixelDataInsertion(elem);
if (result.good())
// check whether VR is "unknown"
DcmEVR vr = elem->getTag().getEVR();
if (ignore_un_modifies && ((vr == EVR_UN) || (vr == EVR_UNKNOWN) || (vr == EVR_UNKNOWN2B)))
OFLOG_WARN(mdfdsmanLogger, "will not write value to attribute having VR=UN: " << elem->getTag());
return EC_Normal;
// create stream object for binary file
DcmInputFileStream fileStream(filename.c_str());
result = fileStream.status();
if (result.good())
const size_t fileLen = OFStandard::getFileSize(filename);
if (fileLen & 1)
return makeOFCondition(
OFM_dcmdata, 22, OF_error, "Cannot insert/modify value with odd length from file!");
// read element value from binary file (requires even length)
result = elem->createValueFromTempFile(
fileStream.newFactory(), OFstatic_cast(Uint32, fileLen), EBO_LittleEndian);
if (result.bad())
return result;
if (update_metaheader)
return EC_Normal;
Can we negotiate them?
Best Regards