Hi All,
I am using dcmtk and DICOM Scope code to display multiple DICOM images (from the same series) in a tiled manner (4x4, 3x3, 2x2 etc.). I am basically trying to use the DICOMScope code (and using JNI to communicate with the dcmtk).
In doing so, the JVM is crashing. This is happening whenever I am trying to display more than one image for the first time.
It seems that the crash is occuring at findDisplayArea (). Has someone already faced such a problem? Any help in this regard would be great!
Following is the crash log:
Stack: [0x47388000,0x47408000), sp=0x47406530, free space=505k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C [libjInterface.so+0x185518] _ZN23DVPSDisplayedArea_PList17findDisplayedAreaEPKcm+0x2a
C [libjInterface.so+0x15b231] _ZN19DVPresentationState25getDisplayedAreaSelectionEv+0x4d
C [libjInterface.so+0x15b4bc] _ZN19DVPresentationState24getStandardDisplayedAreaERlS0_S0_S0_+0x12
C [libjInterface.so+0x1370fe] Java_J2Ci_jDVPresentationState_getDisplayedArea+0x6e
j J2Ci.jDVPresentationState.getDisplayedArea(LJ2Ci/jIntByRef;LJ2Ci/jIntByRef;LJ2Ci/jIntByRef;LJ2Ci/jIntByRef;)I+0
j viewer.presentation.PresentationStateGraphicsHandler.getDisplayArea()Lviewer/presentation/DisplayArea;+42
j viewer.presentation.PresentationStateGraphicsHandler.calculateFirstZoomValue()V+1
j viewer.presentation.PresentationStateGraphicsHandler.setScreenSize(Ljava/awt/Dimension;)V+6
j viewer.main.ScreenImageHandler.drawScreenImage(Ljava/awt/Graphics2D;)V+147
j viewer.gui.ImageCanvas.paintComponent(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V+48
j javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V+260
DCMTK crashing while trying to display multiple images (tile).
Moderator: Moderator Team
- Posts: 2217
- Joined: Fri, 2004-10-29, 21:38
- Location: Oldenburg, Germany
Help to work on you multi window
I'm going to work on multiple images,
can anybody give an idea.
Should I enhance on dcmtk to display multi image , or enhance on Dicomscope?
IF you have other idea or source code, thanks so much
I appreciate which you all support
thank you
can anybody give an idea.
Should I enhance on dcmtk to display multi image , or enhance on Dicomscope?
IF you have other idea or source code, thanks so much
I appreciate which you all support
thank you
- Posts: 2217
- Joined: Fri, 2004-10-29, 21:38
- Location: Oldenburg, Germany
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