storescp with --fork parameter, there's bug? (only win32)

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storescp with --fork parameter, there's bug? (only win32)

#1 Post by luigi »

I'm using storescp service under Windows XP/SP2, when I run the following command as server

storescp.exe -v --fork -d 104 -xf storescp.cfg Default

and I send it some images with storescu client, as the syntax

storescu.exe -v -d localhost 104 -xf storescu.cfg Default "C:\dicom\files\ct.001"

After I send the fourth image (the first three times the storescp run ok) the computer goes to crash and system reboot.

Also I've try under my Fedora Core 6 and all works very well, without any problems.
On other Windows machine with XP/SP2 and Win2k/SP4 the problem is the same, the system crash and reboot every at the fourth image!

Can you help me?

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#2 Post by luigi »

I have done a debug session with VS2003+WinXP/SP2.
First I have debug the server storescp, I found that the reset happing when the server is on the line 1580@dul.cxx, the instruction suspect is
nfound = select((*network)->networkSpecific.TCP.listenSocket + 1,
&fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout_val);

After I have debug the client storescu and I found that the reset happing when client is on the line 2271@dulfsm.cxx, the instruction suspect is
int rc = connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) & server, sizeof(server));

Note that this reset of PC happing only with --fork parameter and Windows version.

Anyone can help me?

Posts: 8
Joined: Wed, 2006-06-07, 09:43

#3 Post by luigi »

I have resolve :D

I have uninstall Kerio firewall, in effect disabled it is not sufficient.

Thanks the same.

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