Worklist Management - wlmscpfs wwwapp.txt:no result

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Worklist Management - wlmscpfs wwwapp.txt:no result

#1 Post by qimo601 »

I'm trying to create a www server application to create , modify and
delete worklist entries using a Web browser ,but there isn't no management interface.

I've followed all instructions in the wwwapp.txt file.
My envientment:
win7 OS
Apache httpd-2.0.64-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8o

My test result:
I have seen the storage areas list on the http://localhost/cgi-bin/worklist/ page.
but there's nothing when open the AETITLE_1 URL.
what is the problem????????Whether wlmscpfs configuration has a problem??????how to config it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Document wwwapp.txt file
If you have configured wlmscpfs correctly (see separate
documentation), you should be able to create, modify and
delete worklist entries using a Web browser, and query the
current status of the system using a DICOM Worklist SCU.

Posts: 32
Joined: Wed, 2012-06-06, 07:38

Re: Worklist Management - wlmscpfs wwwapp.txt:no result

#2 Post by qimo601 »

I have got the anwser from DCMTK Teamers, thanks for Dr. Marco Eichelberg.
first of all, all questions related to DCMTK should be posted to the discussion forum
at so that other people can benefit from the answers given there.
If you send us a mail with your designed user name, we can create login/password for you.

Concerning your specific question, the Web Server user interface has never been developed
for Windows, and we have never tried to run it on Windows. This was intended for a
demonstration at an exhibition in 1996 (more than 15 years ago!) and seen very little
maintenance ever after. At that time even Apache as a webserver did not yet exist.

The underlying principle is that the web server generates the user interface by running
the Perl scripts from dcmwlm/perl and the binaries from dcmwlm/wwwapps through the
CGI interface.

The problem with running this on Windows is that the API for locking files (which is
used to prevent the DICOM worklist server from accessing worklist entries while the
web server is modifying them) does not work on Windows, which is the reason why the
preplock tool cannot be compiled there.

Summary: It's outdated software, not intended for anything except a demo anyway,
and it does not run on Windows.

Best regards,
Dr. Marco Eichelberg

Dr. Marco Eichelberg
Gruppenleiter Integrationstechnik | Manager Integration Technology Group

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