storeSCU to create new patient

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storeSCU to create new patient

#1 Post by Forward »

Hello i'm using storeUser to send an image to PAC Server but it's strange because i don't tell him to store at any patient where he storage the image?

And if i send an image that already exists it works fine but if i send an image that there's no connection with any patient at PAC Server it crashes saying
'DIMSE failed to send message'

Posts: 347
Joined: Mon, 2009-02-23, 19:57

#2 Post by martinrame »

Forward, could you post the entire command you are using to send the image to the PACS?

Also, please paste the results of the storescu command with -d (debug) parameter.

Posts: 17
Joined: Mon, 2011-05-02, 11:54

#3 Post by Forward »

Hey, i'm not calling storescu.exe directly i use c++

After opening the connection i do this to send image

Code: Select all

 retcode = dcmff.loadFile(filename, EXS_Unknown, EGL_noChange, DCM_MaxReadLength, ERM_autoDetect);

   if (!DU_findSOPClassAndInstanceInDataSet(dcmff.getDataset(), sopClass, sopInstance)) {
      return false;
   DcmXfer filexfer(dcmff.getDataset()->getOriginalXfer());
   if (filexfer.isNotEncapsulated())
      filexfer = EXS_DeflatedLittleEndianExplicit;
   if (filexfer.getXfer() != EXS_Unknown)
      presID = ASC_findAcceptedPresentationContextID(m_assoc, sopClass, filexfer.getXferID());
      presID = ASC_findAcceptedPresentationContextID(m_assoc, sopClass);
   req.MessageID   = m_assoc->nextMsgID++;
   req.Priority    = DIMSE_PRIORITY_MEDIUM;   
   strcpy(req.AffectedSOPClassUID, sopClass);
   strcpy(req.AffectedSOPInstanceUID, sopInstance);
   strcpy(req.MoveOriginatorApplicationEntityTitle, m_scu_aetitle);
   retcode = DIMSE_storeUser(m_assoc, presID, &req, (const char *)filename, dcmff.getDataset(), NULL, NULL, DIMSE_BLOCKING, 5, &rsp, &statusDetail, NULL, OFStandard::getFileSize((const char *)filename));
return true;
Hope it helps

Posts: 17
Joined: Mon, 2011-05-02, 11:54

#4 Post by Forward »

I tried to send the image now with storescu and the message was...
Unable to convert dataset from 'JPEG 2000 (Lossless or Lossy)' transfer syntax to ' Little Endian Implicit'

Michael Onken
DCMTK Developer
Posts: 2054
Joined: Fri, 2004-11-05, 13:47
Location: Oldenburg, Germany

#5 Post by Michael Onken »


this is because storescu does not automatically compress/decompress any images and usually it only negotiates uncompressed transfer syntaxes for image transfer with the server.

Try using option -xv and -xw and see whether it works. This will also let storescu propose JPEG2000 transfer syntaxes,i.e. avoid the decompression.

Best regards,

Posts: 17
Joined: Mon, 2011-05-02, 11:54

#6 Post by Forward »

Hmm tried, but didn't worked

Michael Onken
DCMTK Developer
Posts: 2054
Joined: Fri, 2004-11-05, 13:47
Location: Oldenburg, Germany

#7 Post by Michael Onken »


first: Run dcmdump on your file and tell me what it says in the attribute value for "SOP Class UID".

Then run storescu with -d and tell me the output.


Posts: 17
Joined: Mon, 2011-05-02, 11:54

#8 Post by Forward »


dcmdump.exe c:\ll.dcm

Code: Select all

# Dicom-File-Format

# Dicom-Meta-Information-Header
# Used TransferSyntax: Little Endian Explicit
(0002,0000) UL 190                                      #   4, 1 FileMetaInforma
(0002,0001) OB 00\01                                    #   2, 1 FileMetaInforma
(0002,0002) UI =CTImageStorage                          #  26, 1 MediaStorageSOP
(0002,0003) UI [1.2.840.113704.1.111.3352.1107859679.1269] #  42, 1 MediaStorage
(0002,0010) UI =JPEG2000                                #  22, 1 TransferSyntaxU
(0002,0012) UI []                  #  22, 1 ImplementationC
(0002,0013) SH [OSIRIX001]                              #  10, 1 ImplementationV
(0002,0016) AE [OsiriX]                                 #   6, 1 SourceApplicati

# Dicom-Data-Set
# Used TransferSyntax: JPEG 2000 (Lossless or Lossy)
(0008,0005) CS [ISO_IR 100]                             #  10, 1 SpecificCharact
(0008,0008) CS [ORIGINAL\PRIMARY\AXIAL\HELIX]           #  28, 4 ImageType
(0008,0012) DA [20050201]                               #   8, 1 InstanceCreatio
(0008,0013) TM [120000.000000]                          #  14, 1 InstanceCreatio
(0008,0016) UI =CTImageStorage                          #  26, 1 SOPClassUID
(0008,0018) UI [1.2.840.113704.1.111.3352.1107859679.1269] #  42, 1 SOPInstanceU
(0008,0020) DA [20050201]                               #   8, 1 StudyDate
(0008,0022) DA [20050208]                               #   8, 1 AcquisitionDate

(0008,0023) DA [20050208]                               #   8, 1 ContentDate
(0008,0030) TM [120000.000000]                          #  14, 1 StudyTime
(0008,0032) TM [114308.000000]                          #  14, 1 AcquisitionTime

(0008,0033) TM [114308.907000]                          #  14, 1 ContentTime
(0008,0050) SH [1963943]                                #   8, 1 AccessionNumber

(0008,0060) CS [CT]                                     #   2, 1 Modality
(0008,0070) LO [Philips]                                #   8, 1 Manufacturer
(0008,0080) LO [dPJ]                                    #   4, 1 InstitutionName

(0008,0081) ST [GENEVA]                                 #   6, 1 InstitutionAddr
(0008,0090) PN [NULL^DUMCOB]                            #  12, 1 ReferringPhysic
(0008,1010) SH [ctdumc]                                 #   6, 1 StationName
(0008,1030) LO [CER/CT]                                 #   6, 1 StudyDescriptio
(0008,1032) SQ (Sequence with explicit length #=1)      #  36, 1 ProcedureCodeSe
  (fffe,e000) na (Item with explicit length #=2)          #  28, 1 Item
    (0008,0102) SH [BROKER]                                 #   6, 1 CodingSchem
    (0008,0104) LO [CER/CT]                                 #   6, 1 CodeMeaning

  (fffe,e00d) na (ItemDelimitationItem for re-encoding)   #   0, 0 ItemDelimitat
(fffe,e0dd) na (SequenceDelimitationItem for re-encod.) #   0, 0 SequenceDelimit
(0008,103e) LO [ANGIO CT]                               #   8, 1 SeriesDescripti
(0008,1040) LO [CAU]                                    #   4, 1 InstitutionalDe
(0008,1070) PN [CTDUMC\mxservice]                       #  16, 2 OperatorsName
(0008,1090) LO [Mx8000 IDT]                             #  10, 1 ManufacturerMod
(0008,1110) SQ (Sequence with explicit length #=1)      # 100, 1 ReferencedStudy
  (fffe,e000) na (Item with explicit length #=2)          #  92, 1 Item
    (0008,1150) UI =RETIRED_DetachedStudyManagementSOPClass #  24, 1 ReferencedS
    (0008,1155) UI [] #  52,
1 ReferencedSOPInstanceUID
  (fffe,e00d) na (ItemDelimitationItem for re-encoding)   #   0, 0 ItemDelimitat
(fffe,e0dd) na (SequenceDelimitationItem for re-encod.) #   0, 0 SequenceDelimit
(0008,1120) SQ (Sequence with explicit length #=1)      # 100, 1 ReferencedPatie
  (fffe,e000) na (Item with explicit length #=2)          #  92, 1 Item
    (0008,1150) UI =RETIRED_DetachedPatientManagementSOPClass #  24, 1 Reference
    (0008,1155) UI [] #  52,
1 ReferencedSOPInstanceUID
  (fffe,e00d) na (ItemDelimitationItem for re-encoding)   #   0, 0 ItemDelimitat
(fffe,e0dd) na (SequenceDelimitationItem for re-encod.) #   0, 0 SequenceDelimit
(0008,1140) SQ (Sequence with explicit length #=1)      #  92, 1 ReferencedImage
  (fffe,e000) na (Item with explicit length #=2)          #  84, 1 Item
    (0008,1150) UI =CTImageStorage                          #  26, 1 ReferencedS
    (0008,1155) UI [1.2.840.113704.1.111.3352.1107859195.1185] #  42, 1 Referenc
  (fffe,e00d) na (ItemDelimitationItem for re-encoding)   #   0, 0 ItemDelimitat
(fffe,e0dd) na (SequenceDelimitationItem for re-encod.) #   0, 0 SequenceDelimit
(0010,0010) PN [MANIX]                                  #   6, 1 PatientName
(0010,0020) LO [7Thjq7g]                                #   8, 1 PatientID
(0010,1010) AS [000Y]                                   #   4, 1 PatientAge
(0018,0010) LO [CONTRAST]                               #   8, 1 ContrastBolusAg
(0018,0022) CS [HELIX]                                  #   6, 1 ScanOptions
(0018,0050) DS [1.5]                                    #   4, 1 SliceThickness
(0018,0060) DS [120]                                    #   4, 1 KVP
(0018,0088) DS [0.7]                                    #   4, 1 SpacingBetweenS
(0018,0090) DS [250]                                    #   4, 1 DataCollectionD
(0018,1020) LO [2.5]                                    #   4, 1 SoftwareVersion
(0018,1030) LO [ANGIO CT BPU 4/Head/Hx]                 #  22, 1 ProtocolName
(0018,1040) LO [IV]                                     #   2, 1 ContrastBolusRo
(0018,1100) DS [250]                                    #   4, 1 ReconstructionD
(0018,1120) DS [0]                                      #   2, 1 GantryDetectorT
(0018,1130) DS [172]                                    #   4, 1 TableHeight
(0018,1140) CS [CW]                                     #   2, 1 RotationDirecti
(0018,1151) IS [221]                                    #   4, 1 XRayTubeCurrent

(0018,1152) IS [250]                                    #   4, 1 Exposure
(0018,1160) SH [UB]                                     #   2, 1 FilterType
(0018,1210) SH [UB]                                     #   2, 1 ConvolutionKern
(0018,5100) CS [HFS]                                    #   4, 1 PatientPosition

(0020,000d) UI [1.2.840.113704.1.111.5600.1107858801.1] #  38, 1 StudyInstanceUI
(0020,000e) UI [1.2.840.113704.1.111.5600.1107859570.17] #  40, 1 SeriesInstance
(0020,0010) SH [1963943]                                #   8, 1 StudyID
(0020,0011) IS [9712]                                   #   4, 1 SeriesNumber
(0020,0013) IS [1]                                      #   2, 1 InstanceNumber
(0020,0032) DS [-125\-63\-858]                          #  14, 3 ImagePositionPa
(0020,0037) DS [1\0\0\0\1\0]                            #  12, 6 ImageOrientatio
(0020,0052) UI [1.2.840.113704.1.111.5600.1107859163.4] #  38, 1 FrameOfReferenc
(0020,1041) DS [-379.50]                                #   8, 1 SliceLocation
(0020,4000) LT [ANGIO CT]                               #   8, 1 ImageComments
(0028,0002) US 1                                        #   2, 1 SamplesPerPixel

(0028,0004) CS [MONOCHROME2]                            #  12, 1 PhotometricInte
(0028,0010) US 512                                      #   2, 1 Rows
(0028,0011) US 512                                      #   2, 1 Columns
(0028,0030) DS [0.48828125\0.48828125]                  #  22, 2 PixelSpacing
(0028,0100) US 16                                       #   2, 1 BitsAllocated
(0028,0101) US 12                                       #   2, 1 BitsStored
(0028,0102) US 11                                       #   2, 1 HighBit
(0028,0103) US 0                                        #   2, 1 PixelRepresenta
(0028,1050) DS [00100\00100]                            #  12, 2 WindowCenter
(0028,1051) DS [00500\00500]                            #  12, 2 WindowWidth
(0028,1052) DS [-1000]                                  #   6, 1 RescaleIntercep
(0028,1053) DS [1]                                      #   2, 1 RescaleSlope
(0028,2110) CS [01]                                     #   2, 1 LossyImageCompr
(0028,2112) DS [5.897105]                               #   8, 1 LossyImageCompr
(0032,1032) PN [NULL DUMCOB]                            #  12, 1 RequestingPhysi
(0032,1060) LO [CER/CT]                                 #   6, 1 RequestedProced
(0038,0010) LO [00.9650912]                             #  10, 1 AdmissionID
(0040,0007) LO [CER/CT]                                 #   6, 1 ScheduledProced
(0040,0254) LO [CER/CT]                                 #   6, 1 PerformedProced
(0040,1001) SH [1963943]                                #   8, 1 RequestedProced
(7fe0,0010) OB (PixelSequence #=2)                      # u/l, 1 PixelData
  (fffe,e000) pi 00\00\00\00                              #   4, 1 Item
  (fffe,e000) pi ff\4f\ff\51\00\29\00\00\00\00\02\00\00\00\02\00\00\00\00\00\00\
00... # 88906, 1 Item
(fffe,e0dd) na (SequenceDelimitationItem)               #   0, 0 SequenceDelimit

storescu with -d (only part because cmd is too short

Code: Select all

D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        131 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeSingleBitSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        133 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeTrueColorSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        135 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeTrueColorSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        137 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =NuclearMedicineImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        139 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =NuclearMedicineImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        141 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicPhotography16BitImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        143 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicPhotography16BitImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        145 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicPhotography8BitImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        147 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicPhotography8BitImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        149 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicTomographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        151 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicTomographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        153 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =PositronEmissionTomographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        155 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =PositronEmissionTomographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        157 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ProcedureLogStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        159 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ProcedureLogStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        161 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =PseudoColorSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        163 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =PseudoColorSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        165 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RawDataStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        167 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RawDataStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        169 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RealWorldValueMappingStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        171 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RealWorldValueMappingStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        173 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTBeamsTreatmentRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        175 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTBeamsTreatmentRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        177 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTBrachyTreatmentRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        179 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTBrachyTreatmentRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        181 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTDoseStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        183 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTDoseStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        185 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        187 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        189 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTPlanStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        191 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTPlanStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        193 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTStructureSetStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        195 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTStructureSetStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        197 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTTreatmentSummaryRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        199 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTTreatmentSummaryRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        201 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        203 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        205 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SpatialFiducialsStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        207 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SpatialFiducialsStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        209 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SpatialRegistrationStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        211 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SpatialRegistrationStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        213 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =StereometricRelationshipStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        215 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =StereometricRelationshipStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        217 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =TwelveLeadECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        219 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =TwelveLeadECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        221 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =UltrasoundImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        223 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =UltrasoundImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        225 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =UltrasoundMultiframeImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        227 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =UltrasoundMultiframeImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        229 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLEndoscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        231 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLEndoscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        233 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLMicroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        235 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLMicroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        237 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLPhotographicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        239 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLPhotographicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        241 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLSlideCoordinatesMicroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        243 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLSlideCoordinatesMicroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        245 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayAngiographicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        247 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayAngiographicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        249 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayRadiationDoseSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        251 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayRadiationDoseSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        253 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayRadiofluoroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        255 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayRadiofluoroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
D: Requested Extended Negotiation: none
D: Accepted Extended Negotiation:  none
D: Requested User Identity Negotiation: none
D: User Identity Negotiation Response:  none
D: ======================= END A-ASSOCIATE-AC ======================
I: Association Accepted (Max Send PDV: 16372)
I: Sending file: c:\ll.dcm
D: DcmItem::checkTransferSyntax() TransferSyntax="Little Endian Explicit"
I: Transfer Syntax: JPEG2000 -> LittleEndianImplicit
I: Sending Store Request: MsgID 1, (CT)
D: ===================== OUTGOING DIMSE MESSAGE ====================
D: Message Type                  : C-STORE RQ
D: Message ID                    : 1
D: Affected SOP Class UID        : CTImageStorage
D: Affected SOP Instance UID     : 1.2.840.113704.1.111.3352.1107859679.1269
D: Data Set                      : present
D: Priority                      : low
D: ======================= END DIMSE MESSAGE =======================
W: DIMSE Warning: (STORESCU,ANY-SCP): sendMessage: unable to convert dataset fro
m 'JPEG 2000 (Lossless or Lossy)' transfer syntax to 'Little Endian Implicit'
E: Store Failed, file: c:\ll.dcm:
E: 0006:020e DIMSE Failed to send message
E: Store SCU Failed: 0006:020e DIMSE Failed to send message
I: Aborting Association

Michael Onken
DCMTK Developer
Posts: 2054
Joined: Fri, 2004-11-05, 13:47
Location: Oldenburg, Germany

#9 Post by Michael Onken »


the interesting part is actually missing in the storescu log ;)
Please quote all blocks that refer to CT Image Storage.

Also, as I said, use options -xv and -xw. This will propose JPEG200 to the server.

If your PACS does not support JPEG2000 at all, you will not be able to send it with storescu since storescu cannot decompress the file.
In that case you have to decompress it manually using a tool from another toolkit (or buy/evaluate DCMJP2K).


Posts: 17
Joined: Mon, 2011-05-02, 11:54

#10 Post by Forward »

The problem is that the command line clear the text from above, i will try it again and post the code ;)

Code: Select all

D: ====================== BEGIN A-ASSOCIATE-RQ =====================
D: Our Implementation Class UID:
D: Our Implementation Version Name:   OFFIS_DCMTK_360
D: Their Implementation Class UID:    
D: Their Implementation Version Name: 
D: Application Context Name:    1.2.840.10008.
D: Calling Application Name:    STORESCU
D: Called Application Name:     ANY-SCP
D: Responding Application Name: resp. AP Title
D: Our Max PDU Receive Size:    16384
D: Their Max PDU Receive Size:  0
D: Presentation Contexts:
D:   Context ID:        1 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =AmbulatoryECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        3 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =AmbulatoryECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        5 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =BasicTextSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        7 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =BasicTextSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        9 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =BasicVoiceAudioWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        11 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =BasicVoiceAudioWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        13 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =BlendingSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        15 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =BlendingSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        17 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =CardiacElectrophysiologyWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        19 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =CardiacElectrophysiologyWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        21 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ChestCADSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        23 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ChestCADSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        25 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ColonCADSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        27 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ColonCADSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        29 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ColorSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        31 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ColorSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        33 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ComprehensiveSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        35 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ComprehensiveSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        37 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ComputedRadiographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        39 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ComputedRadiographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        41 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =CTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        43 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =CTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        45 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalIntraOralXRayImageStorageForPresentation
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        47 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalIntraOralXRayImageStorageForPresentation
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        49 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalIntraOralXRayImageStorageForProcessing
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        51 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalIntraOralXRayImageStorageForProcessing
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        53 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalMammographyXRayImageStorageForPresentation
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        55 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalMammographyXRayImageStorageForPresentation
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        57 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalMammographyXRayImageStorageForProcessing
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        59 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalMammographyXRayImageStorageForProcessing
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        61 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalXRayImageStorageForPresentation
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        63 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalXRayImageStorageForPresentation
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        65 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalXRayImageStorageForProcessing
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        67 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalXRayImageStorageForProcessing
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        69 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EncapsulatedPDFStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        71 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EncapsulatedPDFStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        73 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedCTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        75 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedCTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        77 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedMRImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        79 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedMRImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        81 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        83 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        85 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedXAImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        87 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedXAImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        89 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedXRFImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        91 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedXRFImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        93 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =GeneralECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        95 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =GeneralECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        97 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =GrayscaleSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        99 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =GrayscaleSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        101 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =HemodynamicWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        103 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =HemodynamicWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        105 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =KeyObjectSelectionDocumentStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        107 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =KeyObjectSelectionDocumentStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        109 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MammographyCADSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        111 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MammographyCADSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        113 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MRImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        115 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MRImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        117 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MRSpectroscopyStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        119 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MRSpectroscopyStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        121 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeGrayscaleByteSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        123 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeGrayscaleByteSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        125 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeGrayscaleWordSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        127 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeGrayscaleWordSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        129 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeSingleBitSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        131 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeSingleBitSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        133 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeTrueColorSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        135 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeTrueColorSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        137 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =NuclearMedicineImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        139 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =NuclearMedicineImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        141 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicPhotography16BitImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        143 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicPhotography16BitImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        145 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicPhotography8BitImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        147 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicPhotography8BitImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        149 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicTomographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        151 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicTomographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        153 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =PositronEmissionTomographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        155 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =PositronEmissionTomographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        157 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ProcedureLogStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        159 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ProcedureLogStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        161 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =PseudoColorSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        163 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =PseudoColorSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        165 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RawDataStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        167 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RawDataStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        169 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RealWorldValueMappingStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        171 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RealWorldValueMappingStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        173 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTBeamsTreatmentRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        175 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTBeamsTreatmentRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        177 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTBrachyTreatmentRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        179 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTBrachyTreatmentRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        181 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTDoseStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        183 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTDoseStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        185 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        187 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        189 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTPlanStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        191 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTPlanStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        193 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTStructureSetStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        195 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTStructureSetStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        197 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTTreatmentSummaryRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        199 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTTreatmentSummaryRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        201 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        203 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        205 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SpatialFiducialsStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        207 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SpatialFiducialsStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        209 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SpatialRegistrationStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        211 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SpatialRegistrationStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        213 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =StereometricRelationshipStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        215 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =StereometricRelationshipStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        217 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =TwelveLeadECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        219 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =TwelveLeadECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        221 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =UltrasoundImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        223 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =UltrasoundImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        225 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =UltrasoundMultiframeImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        227 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =UltrasoundMultiframeImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        229 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLEndoscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        231 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLEndoscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        233 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLMicroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        235 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLMicroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        237 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLPhotographicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        239 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLPhotographicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        241 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLSlideCoordinatesMicroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        243 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLSlideCoordinatesMicroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        245 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayAngiographicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        247 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayAngiographicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        249 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayRadiationDoseSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        251 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayRadiationDoseSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        253 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayRadiofluoroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        255 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayRadiofluoroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D: Requested Extended Negotiation: none
D: Accepted Extended Negotiation:  none
D: Requested User Identity Negotiation: none
D: User Identity Negotiation Response:  none
D: ======================= END A-ASSOCIATE-RQ ======================
I: Requesting Association
D: Constructing Associate RQ PDU
D: PDU Type: Associate Accept, PDU Length: 3854 + 6 bytes PDU header
D: Only dumping 512 bytes.
D:   02  00  00  00  0f  0e  00  01  00  00  41  4e  59  2d  53  43
D:   50  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  53  54  4f  52  45  53
D:   43  55  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  00  00  00  00  00  00
D:   00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00
D:   00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  10  00  00  15  31  2e
D:   32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  33  2e  31  2e
D:   31  2e  31  21  00  00  08  01  00  03  00  40  00  00  00  21
D:   00  00  19  03  00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38
D:   34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19
D:   05  00  04  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e
D:   31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  07  00  00
D:   00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30
D:   30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  09  00  03  00  40  00
D:   00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e
D:   31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  0b  00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31
D:   2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32
D:   21  00  00  19  0d  00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e
D:   38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00
D:   19  0f  00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30
D:   2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  11  00
D:   03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30
D:   30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  13  00  03  00  40
D:   00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38
D:   2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  15  00  03  00  40  00  00  11
D:   31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e
D:   32  21  00  00  19  17  00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32
D:   2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00
D:   00  19  19  00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34
D:   30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  1b
D:   00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31
D:   30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  1d  00  03  00
D:   40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30
D: Transport connection: TCP/IP, unencrypted.
D: Association Parameters Negotiated:
D: ====================== BEGIN A-ASSOCIATE-AC =====================
D: Our Implementation Class UID:
D: Our Implementation Version Name:   OFFIS_DCMTK_360
D: Their Implementation Class UID:    1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.1066.101
D: Their Implementation Version Name: 1.4.16/WIN32
D: Application Context Name:    1.2.840.10008.
D: Calling Application Name:    STORESCU
D: Called Application Name:     ANY-SCP
D: Responding Application Name: ANY-SCP
D: Our Max PDU Receive Size:    16384
D: Their Max PDU Receive Size:  16384
D: Presentation Contexts:
D:   Context ID:        1 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =AmbulatoryECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        3 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)

Posts: 17
Joined: Mon, 2011-05-02, 11:54

#11 Post by Forward »

The problem is that the command line clear the text from above, i will try it again and post the code ;)

Code: Select all

D: ====================== BEGIN A-ASSOCIATE-RQ =====================
D: Our Implementation Class UID:
D: Our Implementation Version Name:   OFFIS_DCMTK_360
D: Their Implementation Class UID:    
D: Their Implementation Version Name: 
D: Application Context Name:    1.2.840.10008.
D: Calling Application Name:    STORESCU
D: Called Application Name:     ANY-SCP
D: Responding Application Name: resp. AP Title
D: Our Max PDU Receive Size:    16384
D: Their Max PDU Receive Size:  0
D: Presentation Contexts:
D:   Context ID:        1 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =AmbulatoryECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        3 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =AmbulatoryECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        5 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =BasicTextSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        7 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =BasicTextSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        9 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =BasicVoiceAudioWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        11 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =BasicVoiceAudioWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        13 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =BlendingSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        15 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =BlendingSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        17 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =CardiacElectrophysiologyWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        19 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =CardiacElectrophysiologyWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        21 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ChestCADSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        23 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ChestCADSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        25 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ColonCADSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        27 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ColonCADSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        29 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ColorSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        31 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ColorSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        33 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ComprehensiveSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        35 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ComprehensiveSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        37 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ComputedRadiographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        39 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ComputedRadiographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        41 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =CTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        43 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =CTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        45 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalIntraOralXRayImageStorageForPresentation
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        47 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalIntraOralXRayImageStorageForPresentation
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        49 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalIntraOralXRayImageStorageForProcessing
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        51 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalIntraOralXRayImageStorageForProcessing
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        53 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalMammographyXRayImageStorageForPresentation
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        55 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalMammographyXRayImageStorageForPresentation
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        57 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalMammographyXRayImageStorageForProcessing
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        59 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalMammographyXRayImageStorageForProcessing
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        61 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalXRayImageStorageForPresentation
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        63 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalXRayImageStorageForPresentation
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        65 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalXRayImageStorageForProcessing
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        67 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =DigitalXRayImageStorageForProcessing
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        69 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EncapsulatedPDFStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        71 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EncapsulatedPDFStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        73 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedCTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        75 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedCTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        77 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedMRImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        79 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedMRImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        81 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        83 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        85 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedXAImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        87 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedXAImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        89 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedXRFImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        91 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =EnhancedXRFImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        93 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =GeneralECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        95 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =GeneralECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        97 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =GrayscaleSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        99 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =GrayscaleSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        101 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =HemodynamicWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        103 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =HemodynamicWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        105 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =KeyObjectSelectionDocumentStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        107 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =KeyObjectSelectionDocumentStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        109 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MammographyCADSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        111 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MammographyCADSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        113 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MRImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        115 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MRImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        117 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MRSpectroscopyStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        119 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MRSpectroscopyStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        121 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeGrayscaleByteSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        123 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeGrayscaleByteSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        125 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeGrayscaleWordSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        127 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeGrayscaleWordSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        129 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeSingleBitSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        131 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeSingleBitSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        133 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeTrueColorSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        135 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =MultiframeTrueColorSecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        137 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =NuclearMedicineImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        139 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =NuclearMedicineImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        141 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicPhotography16BitImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        143 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicPhotography16BitImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        145 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicPhotography8BitImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        147 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicPhotography8BitImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        149 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicTomographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        151 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =OphthalmicTomographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        153 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =PositronEmissionTomographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        155 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =PositronEmissionTomographyImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        157 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ProcedureLogStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        159 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =ProcedureLogStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        161 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =PseudoColorSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        163 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =PseudoColorSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        165 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RawDataStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        167 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RawDataStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        169 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RealWorldValueMappingStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        171 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RealWorldValueMappingStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        173 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTBeamsTreatmentRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        175 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTBeamsTreatmentRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        177 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTBrachyTreatmentRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        179 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTBrachyTreatmentRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        181 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTDoseStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        183 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTDoseStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        185 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        187 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        189 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTPlanStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        191 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTPlanStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        193 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTStructureSetStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        195 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTStructureSetStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        197 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTTreatmentSummaryRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        199 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =RTTreatmentSummaryRecordStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        201 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        203 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SecondaryCaptureImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        205 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SpatialFiducialsStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        207 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SpatialFiducialsStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        209 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SpatialRegistrationStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        211 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =SpatialRegistrationStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        213 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =StereometricRelationshipStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        215 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =StereometricRelationshipStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        217 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =TwelveLeadECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        219 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =TwelveLeadECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        221 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =UltrasoundImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        223 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =UltrasoundImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        225 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =UltrasoundMultiframeImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        227 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =UltrasoundMultiframeImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        229 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLEndoscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        231 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLEndoscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        233 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLMicroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        235 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLMicroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        237 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLPhotographicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        239 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLPhotographicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        241 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLSlideCoordinatesMicroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        243 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =VLSlideCoordinatesMicroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        245 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayAngiographicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        247 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayAngiographicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        249 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayRadiationDoseSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        251 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayRadiationDoseSRStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D:   Context ID:        253 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayRadiofluoroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =JPEG2000
D:   Context ID:        255 (Proposed)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =XRayRadiofluoroscopicImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D:       =LittleEndianExplicit
D:       =BigEndianExplicit
D:       =LittleEndianImplicit
D: Requested Extended Negotiation: none
D: Accepted Extended Negotiation:  none
D: Requested User Identity Negotiation: none
D: User Identity Negotiation Response:  none
D: ======================= END A-ASSOCIATE-RQ ======================
I: Requesting Association
D: Constructing Associate RQ PDU
D: PDU Type: Associate Accept, PDU Length: 3854 + 6 bytes PDU header
D: Only dumping 512 bytes.
D:   02  00  00  00  0f  0e  00  01  00  00  41  4e  59  2d  53  43
D:   50  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  53  54  4f  52  45  53
D:   43  55  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  00  00  00  00  00  00
D:   00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00
D:   00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  10  00  00  15  31  2e
D:   32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  33  2e  31  2e
D:   31  2e  31  21  00  00  08  01  00  03  00  40  00  00  00  21
D:   00  00  19  03  00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38
D:   34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19
D:   05  00  04  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e
D:   31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  07  00  00
D:   00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30
D:   30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  09  00  03  00  40  00
D:   00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e
D:   31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  0b  00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31
D:   2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32
D:   21  00  00  19  0d  00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e
D:   38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00
D:   19  0f  00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30
D:   2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  11  00
D:   03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30
D:   30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  13  00  03  00  40
D:   00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38
D:   2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  15  00  03  00  40  00  00  11
D:   31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e
D:   32  21  00  00  19  17  00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32
D:   2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00
D:   00  19  19  00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34
D:   30  2e  31  30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  1b
D:   00  03  00  40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31
D:   30  30  30  38  2e  31  2e  32  21  00  00  19  1d  00  03  00
D:   40  00  00  11  31  2e  32  2e  38  34  30  2e  31  30  30  30
D: Transport connection: TCP/IP, unencrypted.
D: Association Parameters Negotiated:
D: ====================== BEGIN A-ASSOCIATE-AC =====================
D: Our Implementation Class UID:
D: Our Implementation Version Name:   OFFIS_DCMTK_360
D: Their Implementation Class UID:    1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.1066.101
D: Their Implementation Version Name: 1.4.16/WIN32
D: Application Context Name:    1.2.840.10008.
D: Calling Application Name:    STORESCU
D: Called Application Name:     ANY-SCP
D: Responding Application Name: ANY-SCP
D: Our Max PDU Receive Size:    16384
D: Their Max PDU Receive Size:  16384
D: Presentation Contexts:
D:   Context ID:        1 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =AmbulatoryECGWaveformStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        3 (Abstract Syntax Not Supported)

Michael Onken
DCMTK Developer
Posts: 2054
Joined: Fri, 2004-11-05, 13:47
Location: Oldenburg, Germany

#12 Post by Michael Onken »


so this is the first part we need:
D: Context ID: 41 (Proposed)
D: Abstract Syntax: =CTImageStorage
D: Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D: Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D: =JPEG2000
D: Context ID: 43 (Proposed)
D: Abstract Syntax: =CTImageStorage
D: Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D: Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
D: =LittleEndianExplicit
D: =BigEndianExplicit
D: =LittleEndianImplicit
This means you offer the server to send in JPEG 2000 (context id 41) or any uncompressed (context ID 43) transfer syntaxes.

Now look in the debug output of storescu whether context ID 41 (this is the JPEG200 one) and 43 (not that important) were accepted. There should be some lines containing the number 41,together with the words rejected or refused or accepted, and the word CTImageStorage). This text block tell you whether the server accepted your proposal to send JPEG2000 (and uncompressed).


Posts: 17
Joined: Mon, 2011-05-02, 11:54

#13 Post by Forward »

Code: Select all

D:   Context ID:        41 (Transfer Syntaxes Not Supported)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =CTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:   Context ID:        43 (Accepted)
D:     Abstract Syntax: =CTImageStorage
D:     Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
D:     Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit

Michael Onken
DCMTK Developer
Posts: 2054
Joined: Fri, 2004-11-05, 13:47
Location: Oldenburg, Germany

#14 Post by Michael Onken »


as you can see context ID 41 is rejected since the server does not support JPEG2000 CT images.

Thus, storescu cannot send it to the server.

You must decompress the images (as said above) and then you can send it with storescu.


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